Orange Wire Zip Ties?

27 July 2007
Denver, CO
As my NSX is about to go to paint, I have broken at least a dozen of those orange plastic zip-ties that push into the body and hold the various wire harnesses. The ancient plastic just shatters when I pry them even gently. I'm going to need a bunch to put the car back together after paint. Does anyone know of an aftermarket source for these?
I am thinking that you may be out of luck. The parts manual lists natural, black, white, blue and brown as colors for the wiring retainers / bands depending on the diameter and the retainer orientation. They also list red for some clips. Nothing is listed as orange.

If you still have the original broken clips and can measure the remaining length of the zip-tie part, you can probably take a guess at the original length and then using the parts listing (which gives lengths) pick the retainer that is closest to that length - Honda has what looks to be like 10 - 15 different zip tie style retainers on the NSX. Once you have a part number(s) you can then do a Google search on the part number which will usually give you hits if there are aftermarket matches to the part number. Lots of aftermarket suppliers for exact reproductions of plastic rivets, not so much for wire ties. Good luck with it.

If you still have your damaged clips, have a look at how the part that pushes into the body is oriented on the clip. Its different for different clips so the length of the tie is not the only variable.