opinions - 2002 or 2003

4 October 2001
San Francisco, CA
Hey there NSX owners. I'm currently driving a 95' RX-7 and looking to step up to exotic land. My question is what should I buy?

2002 NSX
1) The last year for this style and the ONLY year with the changes to the headlights and tail lights. Only one year worth of cars with this look...
2) Only hand made car in Japan
3) All aluminum construction
4) High price for an 11 year old design

2003 NSX
1) Will be cheaper (by most rumor account 60K...over 10K cheaper than current invoice), more powerful, and faster.
2) Won't be aluminum or hand made (To keep cost down)
3) Will be the new NSX! With all of Honda's latest technologies in one vehicle.

In short, should I get the last version of this great car with a very unique look to it (restyled front and back) or wait for the revision that will be cheaper and better performer but no real idea how it will look. And by the time we do have an idea, 2002's will be gone.
If you can afford a new one, and are in no rush, then I would wait and see how the new model turns out. If you don't like it, you can buy the previous model if you choose.
I think there are a couple of problems with the way you frame your question:

1. The next-generation NSX is, by all reports, at least two years away. If you believe that it will come out on schedule, it will be introduced in late 2003 as a 2004 model year car. And it could be later than that.

2. What you write about the next-generation car is based on rumors, which conflict with other rumors that have circulated. I don't think you can count on it being less expensive, or a mass-produced car. Maybe it will; maybe it won't.

Bottom line, with cars, is that there will always be something new and better on the horizon - no matter what car you're considering. If you want something now, and won't feel bad later that you bought it, then get it now; you can always sell it later, so your risk is primarily loss of market value (and if that's a concern, then you're better off buying used). If you wait, then you won't be enjoying the car during the period while you're waiting.

IMO it's one thing to wait six months or so when a new model is about to be introduced, and quite another to wait for a model that is years away, where all information can be considered hearsay. Don't base your decision on hearsay.
My current plan is to purchase the last 1st gen. NSX then see how the 2nd gen. NSX turns out and decide from there whether I want to trade in the 1st gen. and purchase the 2nd gen. or just keep the 1st gen. I think this way you've got your bases pretty much covered.
-IMO it's one thing to wait six months or so when a new model is about to be introduced, and quite another to wait for a model that is years away, where all information can be considered hearsay. Don't base your decision on hearsay.

I agree whole heartedly...if you're always waiting for a newer model of a specific car than you'll end up never purchasing a car since new models always come out sooner or later. Better to buy the car, enjoy it for a few years and then trade it in when the new model comes out.

Or if you have the money you can always lease and keep up with the newest model. Downside is that you have to keep your car stock...or be willing to buy it out at the end of the lease agreement and try to sell it on your own.

[This message has been edited by skim83 (edited 04 October 2001).]
Personally, I may just buy the upgraded parts and body panels and put them on my older model.