Opening Up My Parking Light

10 December 2006
I've searched but did not find any threads that detail how to open up the bumper/parking light.

Does it need to go into the oven like rear tail lights to have it separate?

I'm thinking that I should but the parking light in the oven on cardboard as other people have done for their tail lights. I wanted to confirm that's the only way to do it.
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I’ve done this diy before. Using the oven would be the most common thing everyone has done to any headlights etc.. I actually used a heat gun also because I was afraid the lens might melt as I’ve seen my buddy’s melted before. Hope this help
I tried the oven trick a few years back because I wanted to try to use a plastic filler to fix a bulls eye in an old parking / turn signal light. I bailed on the process because I kept cranking the temperature in the oven up; but, the adhesive was not softening (although the housing was getting a little squishy - it now has a permanent glove thumb print embedded in the housing).

If you figure out what the magic mix of time and temperature is, please post your results. My bulls eyed lens sits in a box in the garage awaiting the discovery of an appropriate repair process.