Opening Comptech ice box air intake's carbon fiber cover

13 April 2013
New Hyde Park, New York
Read the below article from Wiki site but still not sure I understand. I unbolt all 6 bolts and wickle it a little and could not seem to pull that cover off to replace the air filter. Anyone have any idea how to do this? What is this CRRF thingy, is it like a back washer that holds the bolts?

Thanks in advance


If your car has a Comptech airbox thing be forewarned come filter element maintenance time:The threaded receivers (for lack of a better term) that the screws/bolts (8 mm, 6 total) thread into (thus connecting airbox top to bottom) are attached to the carbon fiber bottom with little tiny pot-metal-like alloy rivets (2, each receiver). These are, shall we say, less than robust - they exhibit a marked tendency for failure when subjected to small amounts of pressure. Applying the loving little bit of massage that is required to release top from bottom can turn out to be not so good for thelittle guys. So pull your top out as carefully as you can, big daddy.
If CRRF (cheesy riveted receiver failure) has already happened, putting all back together again will present something of a challenge, what with the tight confines and required 3rd hand (the one mutation my dad didn't give me), until one finds a new method of sticking receiver to bottom prior to mounting on top. Oh, and you must use two (flush) points of attachment per CRR as the twist of the bolt while tightening may otherwise spin the receiver round and round (CRRRaR). Whee.
Well, at least it took a little weight off of car (and wallet).
Anyone have a diy on opening this Airbox, please?
I had all the bolts off but it seems like maybe the seal are somehow stuck. Can you tell me where the seam that separates the top and bottom are? This way I can try to pry it open. Is the seam on the top side or under? I feel seam on the top side and I feel seam under the top, just don't want to pry on the wrong place.


Carefully pry it up. The challenge here is that the air filter interferes with the mounts and if using a stock air filter you should cut notches in the rim seal of the filter. Sounds like someone just forced the air filter in without notching it. Seen it before. Just be careful, you will be fine as long as all 6 bolts are completely backed out.

Thanks Larry, will try that, slowly.
