Only 2 from DFW going to NSXCRAZE?

26 June 2002
Like it says, nobody else want to join in? I think two of us are leaving early saturday morning and returning sunday night....chime in:smile:
I'm in, anyone up for a group drive down? I'll probably take Friday off and head down that afternoon if anyone else is interested.
Me and Mike are going.......Saturday morning early? Less bugs to eat? could go friday if enough are interested....
I can go down friday afternoon..or sat morning...Need to arrive before dark, damned bugs. who wants to go?
I'm pretty open, I was thinking lunch in DFW somewhere then cruise down to Houston. The only problem is that could put us in Houston at rush hour so maybe a bit earlier? My dad lives in Spring so I avoid most of Houston but even that trip can take 30-45min at rush hour.
I'm pretty open, I was thinking lunch in DFW somewhere then cruise down to Houston. The only problem is that could put us in Houston at rush hour so maybe a bit earlier? My dad lives in Spring so I avoid most of Houston but even that trip can take 30-45min at rush hour.

Lets go for it, traffic wont be that bad.....i could get a red flashing light and drive thru......:cool:
What u r turning this down for a birthday party????????:confused:
Lets go for it, traffic wont be that bad.....i could get a red flashing light and drive thru......:cool:

Brent, I just saw you're not going to be able to make it?? I assume you don't want to go if you don't have your car, but if you change your mind you can ride with me.
Car is fixed trying to get it together.....
I thought car was fixed, it will be in the morning? It was the main relay? We changed it with a 2004 relay and it did not fix it....Who knows?:confused:
I guess DFW guys are jinxed? I just dumped the oil before I realized my oil filter wrench was loaned out, so I used the old screwdriver method. I cracked open a new case of Amsoil and a box of OEM filters I just bought from a user on Prime. Turns out he shipped me a box of civic filters :mad: I'm sure it was an honset mistake, but I went through 3 auto parts stores before I finally found an 24hr Autozone that had one STP brand filter that would fit. I was really starting to panic as I had just stabbed my old OEM filter to death. Long story short, I will either have to dump $50 worth of oil to put on an OEM filter after the event or just trust that the STP filter isn't complete garbage. At least (assuming no other issues...) I will be able to make it :cool: