Online IQ Test

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I did quite well taking into account that some are "english related" questions...

Probably I got everything right except this:

27. Which one of these five things is least like the other four?


I tend to say Coconut because it is hard. Or Banana because it has a concave form. Bur Grape if formed of more than "one part" usually... :confused: I think that should be removed form the test, it is ocnfusing.

PS: Concave/Convex: a body is convex when it contains all the lines connecting any two point that are inside the same body.

Grape is the correct answer:-)

Due to the fact: Grapes are grown on vines, and the rest of the fruits are grown on trees:-)
ZRO260B4U said:
Grape is the correct answer:-)

Due to the fact: Grapes are grown on vines, and the rest of the fruits are grown on trees:-)

Doesn't the answer vary base on how you look at the question? Differs in what aspect? Species, looks, tastes, shapes, contents...etc?
Any could be correct.

ZRO260B4U said:
Grape is the correct answer:-)

Due to the fact: Grapes are grown on vines, and the rest of the fruits are grown on trees:-)

Grape's a good answer, but I could make a case for any of the responses in #27. It's a poor question, IMHO -- especially in a test where a definitive answer is called for.

The test says I have an IQ of 140. I'm comfortable with that :).
Ok, I did 143. But I think this poll is:

- biased (by default all poll on NSXPRIME are) ;)

- distorted (I saw that several friends obtained results in the 130 range, that is defibnitely too high). I did the Mensa test at the university and I scored 140 but the spectrum of results was a lot wider. Here it seems that it is compressed between 120-145 that should represent only 5-10% of the population... :confused:
ZRO260B4U said:
Grape is the correct answer:-)

Due to the fact: Grapes are grown on vines, and the rest of the fruits are grown on trees:-)
Absolutely a dumb question. How about the fact that the coconut does not have a solid center, is as hard as a rock, is as big as a cannonball, and is only one that will need a lot of effort just to get to the meat. These IQ things are overrated and they are so subjective.
That is why I said that IMO it should be removed. The other questions are quite ok... I like sometime to find out how my contorted mind works. Here an example:


3. Which number should come next? 144 121 100 81 64 ?

It is very easy to notice the X^2 here with X decreasing. Also 7^2 = 49...

But not. I reached the 49 value by calculating this "easier" way:

144 - 121 = 23

121 - 100 = 21

100 - 81 = 19

81 - 64 = 17

23, 21, 19, 17 ---> what is next??? 15!

Ok, also 64 -15 = 49 ! :D

And this is the normal development of the x^2 -(x-1)^2 = 2x -1

--> 2x8 -1 = 15

--> 2x9 -1 = 17

--> 2x10 -1 = 19


Isn't mathematic wonderful??? :) ;)
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That test is really whacked out. I played around with it, and you can get a score, go back and change an answer, recalculate the result and it gives you get the EXACT SAME SCORE! This works with some questions but others may change the score by a couple points, so they are obviously weighted differently.

gheba_nsx is right, all the scores seem compressed in the 120-140 range. It seems you have to get around half wrong to score below 120 and more like 2/3 wrong to get the score down to 100. Nobody getting half those questions wrong has an IQ of 120.

Finally I marked almost everything wrong and it gave a score of 72, which is on the border of mental retardation, and yet the test results said: "We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is an Inventive Inquisitor. You have the unusual distinction of being equally good at math and verbal skills. This means you are a creative thinker and are uniquely good at teaching others through experiences. You are also a great improviser and very good at handling change."

The whole idea of being able to gauge intelligence with a few dozen multiple choice questions is pretty flawed in my humble opinion anyway.
You are right. I already find kind of reductive the over 100 questions (some with multiple correct ones and different scores) that "official institutions" IQ test contains. This one is even more a joke... :p

Everybody with a "real" IQ of over 120 can simply analyse every single question and with some logic ("fruits question" apart ;) ) he will find the solution. They are quite straight forward questions, some of them with very basic mathematic (that should not be included in an IQ test, like the Pithagora's question that this test contains).

IQ test in general tend to advantage anlytical/mathematical minds and that is of ocurse not the only form of intelligence. I have a friend, that studied with me, that scored a Mensa of over 170.

That advantaged him enormously in things like analysis, algebra, physics, statistics, geometery, ... but at all in foreign languages, history, geography, philosopy, arts, ... he had a HUGE CPU but a normal sized hard disk and ram. ;)

BTW, this is a more serious (but not absolute true of course) test for english speaking people:
Well, my consensus on IQ tests is everyone should produce the same result. I have been given IQ tests my whole life (my elementary school saw something in me when i took control of my 2nd grade class and started teaching english while the teacher was outside talking with principal).

Anyhow, I've tested between 147-149 on every test (at least 5 i can think of)...This test, however, I can only score confused.
Nsxotic said:
coconut should be correct as it is the only one that is a seed. And, gheba, your math question is simply squares of 12,11,10,9,8,and then 7 is the answer.

As far as the #s are concerned, he's simply exhibiting the different way minds think. The average mind sees what you (and me for that) saw. A higher mind probably saw that as well but also saw different options resulting in the same answer.

Same is true with the fruit question...While the coconut is the only seed, the grape is the only one that grows on a vine, and the banana is the only one that is mushy in texture, and the coconut is the only one that is hollow, the grape is the only one with a clear skin, and im sure the list goes on and on.

I went with the grape is the only one that doesn't grow on a tree.
Are people scoring significantly higher/lower on this test than on other tests they have taken?

It appears that Brian is the only one who sees there is a difference between his former scores and this one.

I have no clue what my IQ so I cannot compare.

I may take that Mensa test to see what I can score.
Nsxotic said:
coconut should be correct as it is the only one that is a seed. And, gheba, your math question is simply squares of 12,11,10,9,8,and then 7 is the answer.

Nsxotic, I knew that. But I wrote thet my mind instead of giving me the easy "square" answer, went the complicated way... and did the same. By finding the difference between two consecutive numbers in the serie...

x^2 - (x-1)^2 = 2x-1

Going back to scores, I got a higher number here (143) than at the official Mensa one (140)

I forwarded this to my friend and he did 143 here too (exactely my answers, fruit one was confusing for him too) but he had a 173 at Mensa. Again (see Lud's post) this test is quite compressed in the result's spectrum... :(

PS: edit, I saw Bryan's answer only after I wrote this! :)

PPS: I didn't imply that the way I used was of a "higher mind", only adifefrent apporoach used. Probably a slower one too! ;) :p