One of the last NSX's for sale near Columbus, OH

15 March 2005
Plymouth, Michigan
2005 NSX VIN: JH4NA21605S000236

For sale now on flea-bay w/BIN at $78.5, mileage 16887. Appears very nice and very stock. My records reflect this NSX began its life in FL but looks like a dealer sticker on it now from Mannheim, PA.
...... It's black/onyx.
2005 NSX VIN: JH4NA21605S000236

For sale now on flea-bay w/BIN at $78.5, mileage 16887. Appears very nice and very stock. My records reflect this NSX began its life in FL but looks like a dealer sticker on it now from Mannheim, PA.
...... It's black/onyx.

Nice find - but I think he's a little too proud of that one. Would love to have one though...
That sticker is Bobby Hollenshead, biggest wholesaler in the US. I had set a proxy bid when it ran, but was out of the country and didnt see what it did. Shame, looks nice.

2005 NSX VIN: JH4NA21605S000236

For sale now on flea-bay w/BIN at $78.5, mileage 16887. Appears very nice and very stock. My records reflect this NSX began its life in FL but looks like a dealer sticker on it now from Mannheim, PA.
...... It's black/onyx.

I live near this NSX and would be willing to help a fellow primer out if needed.

Go give it some break-in miles, tell them "The Kid" sent you ! :biggrin:

If it was nearby I'd go see it just to see it.

Go Buckeyes!
Neil, bet it has one "big" issue - bet the TB/WP hasn't been replaced! WuWo - so take that off the exhorbitant purchase price. IF I bought that car and I won't cause I don't have the bucks but if I did - I wouldn't replace the TB or WP - not for many miles! Just sayin.....
I went and looked at it today. Looks very nice. Salesperson did not know much about the car. He tried to tell me that Acura has a new NSX that is currently available at the Acura dealer.
I went and looked at it today. Looks very nice. Salesperson did not know much about the car. He tried to tell me that Acura has a new NSX that is currently available at the Acura dealer.

How do you get a job selling Acura when you are that uninformed about what you sell??
I have no idea. It is for sale at a used car dealer that sells many different brands. I am always amazed when I run into this. When I tried to politely tell him that a new NSX is probably a couple of years away, but none currently, he "corrected" me. Serenity now!!!
I went back today and drove it. My head hits the targa top when it is on. With the targa off, It is much better. I might want one of those Dali cushions to lower the seat. The clutch seemed to have a lot of free play before it would engage. Other than that, the car is very nice and drives great. The folks at the dealer were nice but do not really know much about these cars. I really do not want black but this is a very nice car. By the way the tb/wp service has not been done.
I went back today and drove it. My head hits the targa top when it is on. With the targa off, It is much better. I might want one of those Dali cushions to lower the seat. The clutch seemed to have a lot of free play before it would engage. Other than that, the car is very nice and drives great. The folks at the dealer were nice but do not really know much about these cars. I really do not want black but this is a very nice car. By the way the tb/wp service has not been done.
Clutch engagement is normally high
I went back today and drove it. My head hits the targa top when it is on. With the targa off, It is much better. I might want one of those Dali cushions to lower the seat. The clutch seemed to have a lot of free play before it would engage. Other than that, the car is very nice and drives great. The folks at the dealer were nice but do not really know much about these cars. I really do not want black but this is a very nice car. By the way the tb/wp service has not been done.

Well these little dealers are famous for putting high prices on what they consider to be "exotics" and usually don't know much - typical really. That's been my experience over and over and so much so that I always advise folks to just stay away from them.

I guessed as much about the TB/WP in my post earlier - it's always the same with these late model cars - question is how did this dealer come by this car? Was it traded in at the Porsche dealer? Of course the big guy want "foreign" cars off their lot as they detract from the cars they're really pushing. I got a fabulous deal on an RL at a Mercedes dealer because they didn't want the competition on the lot. We got a 2 year old RL for half price! Crazy.

So these cars get traded in and then the dealer either sells em quick or they go to second rate dealers like this guy or to auction. No history, no records and off they go to dealers that usually know nothing about the brand and rely on BS to sell cars to the uninitiated. Stay away - but TB/WP - on a low mileage 05 - man big deal. You could drive that car 50k miles before doing anything. Hopefully the guy that owned it knew how to drive a manual tranny. So many get these cars and don't - so they're hard on clutches.

Anyway - it matters not - anyone that would pay 75k for this car would be buying like some do in the heat of the moment at Barrett Jackson.
I watched it on the block.. It went for a LOT of money. I'll just say 70+

There was also a black 05 that ran last week with 4400+ miles that went for over 75+

Sounds like the values are going through the roof at this point.... dealer buying included!
2005 Black/onyx FS Flea-Bay now Cleveland, OH, Marshall Goldman VIN: JH4NA21655S000202

Chromed OEM wheels. Hefty asking price.
2005 NSX VIN: JH4NA21605S000236

For sale now on flea-bay w/BIN at $78.5, mileage 16887. Appears very nice and very stock. My records reflect this NSX began its life in FL but looks like a dealer sticker on it now from Mannheim, PA.
...... It's black/onyx.

Back up on Flea-Bay 4-8-2013 w/a BIN now at $75,500.
I watched it on the block.. It went for a LOT of money. I'll just say 70+

There was also a black 05 that ran last week with 4400+ miles that went for over 75+

Nice to that the values on these late model examples are holding real strong, even at auction prices
thanks for sharing the info :)
The cheese moved -

Looks like the Denny Dotson dealership in Ohio that was offering it F.S. did not/could not sell it, and must have wholesaled it over to ILLinois - west suburban Chitcago.


Now on flea-bay with 17,803 miles and buy it now at $76,995. Ultimo Motors 877 461 5133 Warrenville, IL:

Betcha whoever drove it from central Ohio over to IL had a fun drive! :smile: