One more racer with brain cancer

9 December 2002
Buehlertal, Germany
Shortly after our friend Guus Toth passed away there is bad news of another racer suffering a brain cancer: Richard Burns of GB, 2002 World Rallye Champion, couldn't take part at the last WRC run in England because he suddenly broke down some days before behind the wheel of his private Porsche turbo - his passenger managed to stop the car without any damage.

Now Richard has the diagnosis: brain cancer - he will have a hard time fighting against this terrible disease. What frightens me is that very young and active guys with a very healthy life (no cigarettes, no alcohol) have and had to deal with it.
Unfortunatly this is often a disease of 30-40 y/o's.We also have not found a strong environmental/bad habit association,but there are hereditory/genetic links.There is also no magic bullit for glioblastoma(most severe and common primary brain cancer).On the brighter side I don't know what Richards diagnosis is,and there are many other types of tumors of the brain and its coverings that range from benign(cureable) to the more agressive and persistant glioblastoma multiforme.I wish him well.