One less Enzo in the world

White92 said:
These kinds of accidents happen every single day, but you don't always hear about them.

If there's one thing the media LOVES to do it's, humiliating the rich and famous when they slip up.
Here are some before pics



Or at least that is what they said on another forum. I can't tell if I think the rims are exact, but it appears that way.


That's his car. Here's another picture from that same SEMA show last year. Apparently the black Enzo is his also.


The driver was a former Gizmondo Europe executive. The company goes into bankruptsy and the executives walk away with millions! :mad:

"Gizmodo is hardly the type to gloat, but with regard to the news that handheld game maker Gizmondo Europe has gone into liquidation, we’d just thought we’d say this one thing: One-and-a-half years ago, we so called it.

Granted, anyone with the slightest ability to speculate the future of a company that threw itself against both Sony and Nintendo simultaneously could have called it, too. Guess nobody wanted a half-baked gaming machine with crappy games, no business model, and hardware that was designed to help parents track down their kids via GPS.

Even more amusingly, we had drinks with a man at CES who told us that he had shorted Gizmondo’s stock after our initial reports, making upwards of $800,000 as the company crashed and burned. It just goes to show that even something as poorly conceived as the Gizmondo can still bring happiness—when it dies.

Fortunately, parent company Tiger Telematics is attempting to buy the assets of Gizmondo Europe, so we may get to experience joy twice over when they fail utterly, as well."
Looks like they are finally catching up!

Police impound Mercedes linked to Malibu crash of rare Ferrari
The Associated Press
Last Updated 6:28 am PST Tuesday, March 28, 2006
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) - Police have impounded a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren driven by the wife of a man who is the center of an investigation into last month's crash of an exotic $1 million Ferrari in Malibu.
Officers stopped the car driven by Nicole Persson, 33, on Sunday when they noticed the vehicle had a British license plate.

"In a follow-up with Scotland Yard, we learned it may have been in fact improperly exported from the country," said Beverly Hills police Lt. Mitch McCann.
Persson, who is married to Swedish video game entrepreneur Stefan Eriksson, was cited for driving without an appropriate driver's license. The car was impounded.
Eriksson was in a red Ferrari Enzo that was traveling at an estimated 162 mph when it hit a pole along Pacific Coast Highway and all but disintegrated on Feb. 21. He escaped the crash with only a cut lip.
The crash spun into a complicated web of mystery when Eriksson told authorities he was a passenger in the car and that the driver, a German acquaintance he knew only as Dietrich, ran into the nearby hills after crashing the Ferrari during a race with a Mercedes.
Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies launched a three-hour foot and helicopter search but failed to turn up Dietrich. They have since become openly skeptical of Eriksson's story, saying they doubt there was any Dietrich or that the Ferrari was in a race with any other vehicle.
Only the driver's side air bag had blood on it, and Eriksson suffered a cut lip. To determine whether he was the driver, detectives had him submit a DNA sample to compare to the blood found on the air bag. The test results have not been released.
Sheriff's Sgt. Phil Brooks has said Eriksson's blood-alcohol level after the crash was .09, slightly more than the legal .08 limit. If it is determined he was the Ferrari driver, he could be charged with driving under the influence, reckless driving and providing false information to authorities
Energy1 said:
<snip>If it is determined he was the Ferrari driver, he could be charged with driving under the influence, reckless driving and providing false information to authorities
and fucking up a really nice ride. otoh, his mistake makes a pretty compelling case for the enzo's safety capabilities.

thx for the update, an interesting story (to some of us, at least).
well, i think we all know that dieter was @ the crash scene of the bush daughters, as noted in the other thread.

boy, this guy's got some kind of self-destruction karma going on, that's for sure.

a real pisser he had to take out an enzo in the process.
Ferrari says they can rebuild the Enzo for 2 or 300,000 dollars??

So they replace EVERYTHING, except maybe one door handle and a few bolts, only costs that much?

So Ferrari are building the cars for 300,000 to 400,000 dollars?
The rest is profit?

Honda, wake up please.
Even though I think it’s scandalous that the car was wasted,
I am even more disgusted by the way this thing has been twisted around. Talk about vultures circling.
Nothing against you Alient or you others either (great avatar BTW Alient) but,

In that article from the last link, and all the other articles it seems, they have no right to call his device crappy, and the law is just as bad. Grand theft Auto, since when is not paying your car loan Grand Theft Auto in the UK (and that’s where the loan was taken, I gather). It’s not. The police are using this to arrest him, as usual it won’t stand up. There are too many police, and not enough brains. No wonder they never get convictions. It’s a circus.

Then, just because his wife doesn’t have a US drivers licence, they say she is driving without a licence. Talk about twisted. She has a UK or Swedish licence no doubt. Millions of people drive without a California licence or whatever everyday. Disgustingly thin excuse for stopping the Merc, because she may not have a licence. Ridiculous. If the car has UK plates on it, of course she doesn’t have a Cali licence! And if the car still has UK plates on it then it wasn’t imported of course! Man, these guys are grasping at straws.

The car that drove by while they were towing the Merc was carrying this week’s shipment of drugs for the local kids. What about stopping that?
Oh, it’s reported stolen to the UK cops. Reported, how can we trust what these rags say? It probably was not reported stolen, just defaulted on payments. I don’t know the facts, but obviously neither do the reporters OR the cops and they should. They are just groping in the dark.
Other charges: the blood on the airbag? Why keep bringing this up, are they getting desperate or something? It will never stand up, he can say he climbed out the driver’s side. Confusion from the crash.
This type of reporting is irresponsible.
How would you like it if you had an accident and the press turned it into a circus? It happens and its very irresponsible reporting, if you can call it reporting. This is how witches ended up being hanged and burnt.
The more they keep this trash reporting up, the easier it will be for him to brag about it later. And profit from it.

Then at the end they say the 3 cars were purchased by the company!
Of course they were purchased by the company, everybody does it like that for gods sake. So why arrest the guy then?

I’ll bet this thing just goes away. They have nothing on him, and that child rapist a few miles away is not being chased.

Anyway, just my rant.

Gizmondo exec, Stefan Erikkson, has certainly made a lot of news lately and it has nothing to do with his crappy, kidney shaped portable media device. In the latest turn of events, Eriksson has been officially arrested and held without bail on suspicion of grand theft. Get the full scoop, after the jump.
The charges come amidst two events that happened over the past few months. He was involved in an accident where one of 399 rare Ferrari Enzo’s was wrecked into a light pole at well over 150mph and ripped in half. Eriksson’s blood alcohol test registered well-above the legal limit, but he claimed that another man, named Dietrich, was the one driving and then fled into the woods. Dietrich was never found.
More questions began arising just a month later when a $600,000 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren was seized by police when Eriksson’s wife was stopped in Beverly Hills on suspicion of driving without a license. The car had been reported stolen to London’s Scotland Yard.
Eriksson was officially arrested for failing to make payments on three sports cars that were imported to the U.S. from Britain. Other charges may be added pending DNA tests and further investigation including DUI and fraud for the business venture that the three sports cars were purchased on. He is also being held without bail because of his questionable visa status. Arraignment on this case is expected to begin this week.
interesting rant. i guess we'll find out what sticks and what doesn't as his legal issues work their way through the legal system. my observation is that when multiple legal entities are after you in the way they seem to be after this fella, he's unlikely to walk away unscathed.

but, time will tell.
710 said:
Even though I think it’s scandalous that the car was wasted,
I am even more disgusted by the way this thing has been twisted around. Talk about vultures circling.
Nothing against you Alient or you others either (great avatar BTW Alient) but,

In that article from the last link, and all the other articles it seems, they have no right to call his device crappy, and the law is just as bad. Grand theft Auto, since when is not paying your car loan Grand Theft Auto in the UK (and that’s where the loan was taken, I gather). It’s not. The police are using this to arrest him, as usual it won’t stand up. There are too many police, and not enough brains. No wonder they never get convictions. It’s a circus.

Then, just because his wife doesn’t have a US drivers licence, they say she is driving without a licence. Talk about twisted. She has a UK or Swedish licence no doubt. Millions of people drive without a California licence or whatever everyday. Disgustingly thin excuse for stopping the Merc, because she may not have a licence. Ridiculous. If the car has UK plates on it, of course she doesn’t have a Cali licence! And if the car still has UK plates on it then it wasn’t imported of course! Man, these guys are grasping at straws.

The car that drove by while they were towing the Merc was carrying this week’s shipment of drugs for the local kids. What about stopping that?
Oh, it’s reported stolen to the UK cops. Reported, how can we trust what these rags say? It probably was not reported stolen, just defaulted on payments. I don’t know the facts, but obviously neither do the reporters OR the cops and they should. They are just groping in the dark.
Other charges: the blood on the airbag? Why keep bringing this up, are they getting desperate or something? It will never stand up, he can say he climbed out the driver’s side. Confusion from the crash.
This type of reporting is irresponsible.
How would you like it if you had an accident and the press turned it into a circus? It happens and its very irresponsible reporting, if you can call it reporting. This is how witches ended up being hanged and burnt.
The more they keep this trash reporting up, the easier it will be for him to brag about it later. And profit from it.

Then at the end they say the 3 cars were purchased by the company!
Of course they were purchased by the company, everybody does it like that for gods sake. So why arrest the guy then?

I’ll bet this thing just goes away. They have nothing on him, and that child rapist a few miles away is not being chased.

You are right, a lot of people do what this guy has done, but few of them piss off the right people. This guy has pissed someone off and he is going down in flames.
710 said:
Even though I think it’s scandalous that the car was wasted,
I am even more disgusted by the way this thing has been twisted around. Talk about vultures circling.
Nothing against you Alient or you others either (great avatar BTW Alient) but,

In that article from the last link, and all the other articles it seems, they have no right to call his device crappy, and the law is just as bad. Grand theft Auto, since when is not paying your car loan Grand Theft Auto in the UK (and that’s where the loan was taken, I gather). It’s not. The police are using this to arrest him, as usual it won’t stand up. There are too many police, and not enough brains. No wonder they never get convictions. It’s a circus.

Then, just because his wife doesn’t have a US drivers licence, they say she is driving without a licence. Talk about twisted. She has a UK or Swedish licence no doubt. Millions of people drive without a California licence or whatever everyday. Disgustingly thin excuse for stopping the Merc, because she may not have a licence. Ridiculous. If the car has UK plates on it, of course she doesn’t have a Cali licence! And if the car still has UK plates on it then it wasn’t imported of course! Man, these guys are grasping at straws.

The car that drove by while they were towing the Merc was carrying this week’s shipment of drugs for the local kids. What about stopping that?
Oh, it’s reported stolen to the UK cops. Reported, how can we trust what these rags say? It probably was not reported stolen, just defaulted on payments. I don’t know the facts, but obviously neither do the reporters OR the cops and they should. They are just groping in the dark.
Other charges: the blood on the airbag? Why keep bringing this up, are they getting desperate or something? It will never stand up, he can say he climbed out the driver’s side. Confusion from the crash.
This type of reporting is irresponsible.
How would you like it if you had an accident and the press turned it into a circus? It happens and its very irresponsible reporting, if you can call it reporting. This is how witches ended up being hanged and burnt.
The more they keep this trash reporting up, the easier it will be for him to brag about it later. And profit from it.

Then at the end they say the 3 cars were purchased by the company!
Of course they were purchased by the company, everybody does it like that for gods sake. So why arrest the guy then?

I’ll bet this thing just goes away. They have nothing on him, and that child rapist a few miles away is not being chased.

Anyway, just my rant.

Gizmondo exec, Stefan Erikkson, has certainly made a lot of news lately and it has nothing to do with his crappy, kidney shaped portable media device. In the latest turn of events, Eriksson has been officially arrested and held without bail on suspicion of grand theft. Get the full scoop, after the jump.
The charges come amidst two events that happened over the past few months. He was involved in an accident where one of 399 rare Ferrari Enzo’s was wrecked into a light pole at well over 150mph and ripped in half. Eriksson’s blood alcohol test registered well-above the legal limit, but he claimed that another man, named Dietrich, was the one driving and then fled into the woods. Dietrich was never found.
More questions began arising just a month later when a $600,000 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren was seized by police when Eriksson’s wife was stopped in Beverly Hills on suspicion of driving without a license. The car had been reported stolen to London’s Scotland Yard.
Eriksson was officially arrested for failing to make payments on three sports cars that were imported to the U.S. from Britain. Other charges may be added pending DNA tests and further investigation including DUI and fraud for the business venture that the three sports cars were purchased on. He is also being held without bail because of his questionable visa status. Arraignment on this case is expected to begin this week.

The guy is a turd, is he a friend of yours or something? Maybe you can't read between the lines but I can.

If I buy millions of dollars of anything and I get a loan from a bank and they put a lien against these items we both own them. Once the bank is payed off then I own them. If I default on my payments then the cars are no longer owned by me and they transfer to the bank, If I then take them out of the country I am stealing them. Seems pretty simple to me, believe me he knew he was breaking the law and deserves to be prosecuted. He then further compounds his problems by making false statements to the police about a mystery driver.

The guy was legally drunk driving a car at speeds that were taking other lives at risk and nearly killed himself and a passenger. There is no excuse for this type of driving on public roads especially if you have been drinking, It seems quite obvious that this guy doesn't have any respect for laws, but I am betting that he will very soon! This guy should and will go to jail if you want I will make a wager with you on his outcome.

He pissed off the wrong guys and is going to pay the price. Your comments about the drugs in cars and rapists getting away are unfounded and ridiculous. Do you really think that this guy didn't do anything wrong?
This Eriksson guy is shady to begin with. He was in prison, he's involved with some European Mafia. Maybe we'll see a movie about this situation soon. Don't forget he's also a Deputy Chief of Police :) ... what a joke this guy is.
It's no wonder the US is so litigious...

In Australia the owner of the vehicle is responsible unless it is reported stolen or you can produce the driving licence number of the person driving it at the time of the infringement.

So a lame excuse like "it wasn't me sir" would pretty much be laughed at by the Australian police as they slapped the cuffs on and put you in the back seat of their car... :wink:
This guy was driving under the influence. No sympathy for what this guy is getting. It's just wreckless. He was also EXTREMELY LUCK that it hit where it did... all that kenetic energy was disapated. If he'd hit a tree or truck, the police would have found brain matter on the airbag.

AU_NSX said:
So a lame excuse like "it wasn't me sir" would pretty much be laughed at by the Australian police as they slapped the cuffs on and put you in the back seat of their car... :wink:

Yeah, that excuse didn't work for me either.... :D j/k
NeoNSX said:
This guy was driving under the influence. No sympathy for what this guy is getting. It's just wreckless.

Carguy! said:
The guy is a turd, is he a friend of yours or something? Maybe you can't read between the lines but I can.

If I buy millions of dollars of anything and I get a loan from a bank and they put a lien against these items we both own them. Once the bank is payed off then I own them. If I default on my payments then the cars are no longer owned by me and they transfer to the bank, If I then take them out of the country I am stealing them. Seems pretty simple to me, believe me he knew he was breaking the law and deserves to be prosecuted. He then further compounds his problems by making false statements to the police about a mystery driver.

The guy was legally drunk driving a car at speeds that were taking other lives at risk and nearly killed himself and a passenger. There is no excuse for this type of driving on public roads especially if you have been drinking, It seems quite obvious that this guy doesn't have any respect for laws, but I am betting that he will very soon! This guy should and will go to jail if you want I will make a wager with you on his outcome.

He pissed off the wrong guys and is going to pay the price. Your comments about the drugs in cars and rapists getting away are unfounded and ridiculous. Do you really think that this guy didn't do anything wrong?

I agree with everything you are saying, loan, driving drunk, others lives at risk, everything.

I’m only questioning the reporting, the speculation, the rumours flying around. It seems to me that if we believe anything from these reports, we are witch hunting.
Do we believe in witches?
Because we did a while ago.
The reporting is not good, not constructive and will get innocent people in trouble if it keeps going like this.
That’s what I’m saying.

PS: Do I know this guy? Do I know anything about this guy? No. Nothing. That’s the point.
Swedish Man Charged In Smashed Ferrari Case

Swedish Man Charged In Smashed Ferrari Case

(CBS) LOS ANGELES A Swedish businessman who claimed he was the passenger in a $1 million Ferrari that crashed in Malibu in February was charged Monday with nine criminal counts, including auto theft.

Bo Stefan M. Eriksson, 44, was scheduled to be arraigned Monday afternoon at the downtown Los Angeles courthouse in connection with the alleged theft of a collection of expensive and exotic cars, including the Ferrari Enzo that crashed, according to the District Attorney's Office.

Eriksson is charged with three felony counts each of embezzlement and grand theft auto, along with one felony count of possession of a firearm by a felon. He also is charged with two misdemeanor counts of driving under the influence on Feb. 21, the day of the crash.

Eriksson, a former executive with the video game company Gizmondo Europe, is suspected of importing two Enzo Ferraris and a rare Mercedes with a combined value of $3.8 million, authorities said.

The cars are owned by British financial institutions and leased to Eriksson, and the lease agreement did not allow him to take the cars out of Great Britain, said Deputy District Attorney Steven Sowders, head deputy of the Auto Insurance Fraud Division.

Eriksson told sheriff's deputies after the Feb. 21 crash on Pacific Coast Highway near Decker Road that he wasn't driving the Ferrari Enzo. He said a German named Dietrich was behind the wheel and ran from the scene of crash, which separated the Ferrari's 12-cylinder, 660-horsepower engine from its frame.

Authorities say the car -- one of only 400 Enzos ever built -- was going 162 mph when it smashed into a power pole shortly after 6 a.m., and they had expressed doubt about Eriksson's account of how the accident occurred.

Eriksson's blood-alcohol level at the time -- .09 -- was above the legal limit for driving in California, according to a sheriff's sergeant at the Malibu station.

During a subsequent search of his Bel-Air home by the Sheriff's Department, a handgun was discovered, according to the District Attorney's Office. The gun charge stems from his conviction in Sweden for counterfeiting in the early 1990s.

Eriksson was arrested April 7 and has remained jailed since then on an immigration hold.
Justice is finally caught up! Yeah! Now lets see if he hires another dream team or some other high paid attorney to get him outta of this....I wonder what happens to the stolen McLaren and other Enzo?