One LESS Enzo in the world....

12 April 2005
Ventura - LA County
One more for SoCAL to take an ENZO off the streets...:frown: ..

taken from F-Chat.

Ferrari Crashes, Closes Part Of P.C.H.
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(CBS) MALIBU, Calif. A section of Pacific Coast Highway was closed Tuesday after a single-vehicle car crash, officials said.

Paramedics were sent to P.C.H. at Decker Road at 6:15 a.m., Los Angeles County Fire Department Inspector Ron Haralson said.

By 8:35 a.m., one lane was reopened in each direction, according to California Highway Patrol Officer Francisco Villalobos.

The vehicle, a Ferrari -- reportedly worth between $600,000 and $1 million -- was badly damaged. One person suffered a minor injury and was treated at the scene.

"We have the passenger, who told us the driver did flee from the scene," Sheriff's Sgt. Philip Brooks said. "And we ... followed some footprints up the side of the hill in an effort to locate the driver."

Authorities believe the Ferrari, which broke in half, "was traveling at least 100 mph and it will probably be a lot more than that once we conclude our investigation," Brooks said.

“For a million dollars, you get a very good passenger-safety system, and apparently in this case it did work," he added.

Some electrical service in the area was interrupted because the car struck a power pole.

I am on vacation in Malibu. Crazy stuff happening out here. While in Stanton I witnessed a high speed chase and saw the driver shot to death by police on Valley veiw and Cerritos. Watched a guy get run over and killed on Beach Bvd. and Ball road. Then I crashed an Enzo in Malibu.

"The German":biggrin:
"We have the passenger, who told us the driver did flee from the scene," Sheriff's Sgt. Philip Brooks said. "And we ... followed some footprints up the side of the hill in an effort to locate the driver."

I wonder whose wife the dude was banging that she took off into the woods. :eek: :eek: :eek:
I thought Ferari had some form of selection criteria with their limited build cars... You have had to have bought many Ferrari's to be eligible for the limited number ones...

Obviously they don't think driving skill or intelligence are necessary for buyers of 600+hp supercars... :rolleyes:
This gets more and more weird...
This is just so damn thing you know Eriksson has ties to L.A. CTU and is a good friend of Jack Bauer...
This story makes no sense...ok...the passenger Mr. Erikson Electronics Mogul just happens to be in the pasenger seat riding in this Enzo with the Driver who he doesnt even know! he didnt even know the drivers name!! and the driver just happens to run away from the scene, and the "passenger" suffered a cut lip and the air bag that deployed on the drivers side had some blood on it. HELLO!!!!! He was the driver! how can they be sooooo stupid! I mean the police dont know who owns the car! YOU HAVE TO BE INVITED TO BUY THAT CAR!! How can nobody know who owns it!!!!

Maybe I should join the police in CA obviously you dont have to be smart.

Any CA police reading this.....Your boy Mr. Erikson was the driver not the passenger!!!!!!!

Any CA police reading this.....Your boy Mr. Erikson was the driver not the passenger!!!!!!!

It is a misdemeanor. Can't make an arrest unless it was observed by the police. He could say he was on the moon or in the back seat too, the point is nobody can place him behind the wheel. There is some exceptions on DUI driving/crashing, but the police obviously decided to leave it to a later filing. (a prudent move, hopefully they grabbed his passport though).

Honestly, this crash a big NOTHING. No real victim, no witnesses and a well protected potential defendant. He has enough resources that he can bankrupt the police department by opposing their every step.

He is a convicted organized crime boss from Sweden, he knows what he is doing...however silly he acts at times.


Here is where it gets interesting, the "police" agency in question:,0,1020964.story?coll=la-home-headlines

From the Los Angeles Times
Ferrari Story Takes Another Bizarre Turn
By Richard Winton and David Pierson
Times Staff Writers

3:08 PM PST, March 2, 2006

Sheriff's investigators are trying to find two men claiming to be
"homeland security" officers from a small San Gabriel Valley transit
authority who showed up at the site of the crash last week of the
$1-million Ferrari Enzo.

The two men spoke with the owner of the car, Stefan Eriksson, who told
investigators that he, too, was a commissioner of the transit

Eriksson refused to be interviewed Wednesday by investigators from the
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, which is looking into the
puzzling case. He did comply with the request for a sample of his
blood, a sheriff's spokesman said.

Eriksson survived the crash of the Ferrari, which was traveling at
more than 160 mph, investigators said. When emergency workers arrived
at the scene, Eriksson produced a card identifying him as "deputy
commissioner" of the San Gabriel Valley Transit Authority police
department's antiterrorism unit, according to the Sheriff's

A few minutes later, two unidentified men arrived at the crash site on
Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu and flashed cards and said they were
from "homeland security," according to a Sheriff's Department report.

The men were allowed by deputies onto the crime scene, where they
spoke to Eriksson before leaving, according to Los Angeles County
Sheriff's Department Sgt. Phil Brooks.

Brooks appealed to the public for help in identifying the two men.

As sheriff's detectives try to unravel the mystery of the crash, their
attention is turning to the obscure nonprofit organization that
provides disabled people with transportation in cities such as
Monrovia and Arcadia.

Eriksson, a former video game executive who, according to Swedish
newspapers, was convicted of counterfeiting a decade ago in Sweden,
has volunteered his time with the agency's antiterrorism unit, helping
them with camera technology for the paratransit vehicles, said an
agency official who asked not to be identified.

Eriksson's civil attorney, Ashley Posner, is the chairman of the
agency. He declined comment today.

Officials in cities where the agency does business said they were
mystified over why a small transit authority needs its own police

"We do not see the need for a ground transportation system for
handicapped and disabled folks to have a police agency," said Monrovia
City Manager Scott Ochoa. "We warned them that if the police agency
operated with them in the city Monrovia, it would jeopardize their
[transit] agreement with us."

According to the transit authority's website, the department has a
chief, detectives, marked police cruisers and an "antiterrorism"

Monrovia Police Department Chief Roger Johnson said he checked out the
department recently and found it is less than meets the eye.

"My impression at the time was that they were trying to get a police
agency off the ground to go with their transit business," Johnson
said. "I don't know if they have a police department to go with the

Eriksson has insisted he was a passenger in the Ferrari when it
crashed. He said the driver was a man named "Dietrich" who fled from
the scene. Officials are skeptical of that explanation, mainly because
Eriksson had a bloody lip and there was only blood found on the
driver's side airbag.

Sheriff's officials said they took the blood sample from Eriksson to
determine whether it was his blood on the airbag.
Throw up enough smoke and people will forget about the fire seems to be the thinking here. I read the initial report that they filed, and the Passenger Airbag DID NOT DEPLOY according to initial investigation! There was no passenger. Only driver's airbag deployed, proving this was one idiots stupidity, not the mystery German whom he doesn't even know that was driving his million dollar Enzo. He claims to not even know the German's last name. This is all bull. If this were any of us the cuffs would have been slapped on for drunk driving right at the scene.

Alixp81 said:
and the "passenger" suffered a cut lip and the air bag that deployed on the drivers side had some blood on it. HELLO!!!!! He was the driver!

“Um, I climbed out of the drivers side in confusion and brushed against the drivers airbag…”

Alixp81 said:
with the Driver who he doesnt even know! he didnt even know the drivers name!!

“I am used to making BIG business deals and anyway, I’m not going to “remember” his name for the police…I’ve got to recoupe the price of my Enzo out of this business deal with this guy…”

Sorry Alexandra, I feel bad dissing your post, you are such a cool NSX owner, but a lawyer would have no trouble with this…

It IS scandalous though… I guess this guy didn’t get so rich by being a nice guy and doing “the right thing”.
Jeez, I would just like to touch an Enzo, let alone have one…
Homeland Security, anti terrorism unit?
You guys need to watch out for your Homeland Security, having secret police has always resulted in gross misuse, they will get more and more powerful, their opponents (some of your politicians and prominent citizens among others) will go missing or “have accidents” and you will never ever be able to get rid of the secret police. Some will try, but they will fail, be framed, killed or suddenly be quiet.
Your police will be afraid to question the validity of secret police (as in this case, on the scene).
Your friends will “become” informants, lot’s of strange things like this case will appear and then disappear.
Don’t question it. The Constitution is now history.

Off topic? Or not?

“That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone” but at least this version has Enzos in it!
He's an idiot.
There are so many places in Cali to do 160, if you must.
PCH in Malibu is one of the last places.
He got what he deserves and hopefully a couple felonies as well.



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It is not about what you suspect or what you feel is true. It is about what you can prove. As long as the "driver" keeps up with the BS the police will be able to do nothing.
This is probably the only Enzo I can afford. I wonder if it's for sale, with all the stories that go with it! :)

Long live Dietrich, the missing German! :)
Apparently the car is still worth a few hundred thousand dollars even in this wrecked state...if you can afford it, you can have it. I'd rather by a fleet of NSXs! :D
akira3d said:
Apparently the car is still worth a few hundred thousand dollars even in this wrecked state...if you can afford it, you can have it. I'd rather by a fleet of NSXs! :D

Ferrari announced they will rebuilt this car for $200k.