Actually, only one LED is not lit. The others around it are all fine. Perhaps the LED isn't bad, it's a bad resistor or resistor connection? Is there a "How to" process written up somewhere on this?Yes, they are repairable. I little tricky to disassemble, you have to be careful not to break the plastic. The individual LED's are ganged in groups of four, and most likely one LED is burned out, resulting is a segment of four not being lit.
Actually, only one LED is not lit. The others around it are all fine. Perhaps the LED isn't bad, it's a bad resistor or resistor connection? Is there a "How to" process written up somewhere on this?
I had a similar situation with an LED bulb on my spoiler and was about to head down the route of replacing the LED (as prescribed by other earlier posts).
However, after double checking the wiring, it turned out that I just had a poor connection. I ended up re-splicing the wires and reconnected the wires.
Problem solved and avoided having to crack open the LED casing.
As mentioned above, you may want to check the wiring first before making a trip to Radio Shack. This is especially the case since it may be difficult to get an exact bulb match.
A poor connection could cause one bulb to go out? Where is this connection?
I just pulled the assembly out and OMG... I have no idea how to separate the lens from the housing! it seems like it's epoxied together! If I have the guts to start on it, what should I use?