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one day ScienceofSpeed clearance sale - this Friday 12/28!

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
We hope you all have had a wonderful and Merry Christmas. Thank you again for your business over these past eleven years, we certainly appreciate it!

As a way of saying thank you, we are offering a one day sale on all products we sell that are in stock - available this Friday 12/28 only. To get access to the coupon code, please be on our newsletter e-mail list (if you have not joined, you can join today by clicking here). An e-mail will be sent this afternoon to subscribers with full details.

thank you again & Happy New Year,
Chris, Jeff M, Bryan, Wade, & Jeff K
I subscribe but don't get the newsletter for some reason, not being caught in my spam filters either.

Are any of the items in my current order being put together in the sale?

I subscribe like the others before me but I have yet to ever receive a newsletter........I also check my spam daily and I have never seen anything there either.

I sure would hate to miss a great sale on products I could use.

Gene Greer
We hope you all have had a wonderful and Merry Christmas. Thank you again for your business over these past eleven years, we certainly appreciate it!

As a way of saying thank you, we are offering a one day sale on all products we sell that are in stock - available this Friday 12/28 only. To get access to the coupon code, please be on our newsletter e-mail list (if you have not joined, you can join today by clicking here). An e-mail will be sent this afternoon to subscribers with full details.

thank you again & Happy New Year,
Chris, Jeff M, Bryan, Wade, & Jeff K
If you're having a sale on the EMS S2, i'm in.
I've only recieved a couple myself. I'm at work so if someone could email Chris at this email address listed above and alert him to this thread, he may be able to fix his newsletter delivery in the future. I'm looking forward to this sale.
GRRRRR.......Where is the subscribe button???
Is the extended thread shift stalk a SOS product?