on 'keeping up with the Joneses'

9 June 2001
Casa di Rissoto
with all the discussion recently on next-gen cars and whether it will be enough, etc... thought this thread from the Lambo Lists was kinda interesting.

It started with the coming "baby" Lambo (V10 500+ hp car targetted at 360 and 911GT2), and how Audi will soon introduced a "detuned stablemate" (the coming RSR). Owners lamenting the "loss of position" of their marque.

Reproduced without permission from the Lambo Lists...


Subject: The real problem is everyone else in the field now

I think the real problem we are facing is everyone else in the field now.

When the Countach was introduced, all the way up until the 25th anniversary model, what other cars could come close to it's performance? I can think of two. When you bought a Lamborghini you where getting a full package.

#1 A Look that can not be matched
#2 Exclusivity thanks to price and volume
#3 Performance that made you the king of the road
#4 An intament friend with flatbed towing companies and local Lamborghini mechanics (and your credit card company!)

Now days you can get most of this from many, many places.

The New viper for example *2003* will be sold for under 80k and I will bet it will be faster than the Murcielago in every way. People are talking 212mph top speed with the top up, full on convertible and a flat 8 seconds to 100 with a 11.5 1/4th mile time at 123mph. Even better, you can actually pull these times off on a daily bases without breaking something every other day. Style, like the Murcielago, is debatable...

The New GT-40 is going to be faster still with (now) rated 528hp with a 2800lb curb weight, for under 100k. How will the baby Diablo compete performance wise? It simply won't. Not to mention the GT-40 comes with a better warranty and is 100x more reliable.

The average person will be just as impressed with your Viper / GT-40 as a Diablo or Murcielago *though those in the know just smile*

The New NSX die out in 2004 will offer 500hp V8 with a curb weight of around 3100lbs but will also be one of the most reliable cars on the planet. Once again, on par with the Murcielago for performance.

The current Corvette z06 will be getting a HP bump very soon for the C6 model making 450hp at under 3000lbs with 1/4th mile times of 11.7 at 121mph for around 55k. Of course, it's just a corvette...

The problem Lamborghini is facing is it can no longer rely on it's looks alone to be enough to sell because it can not take a power advantage for granted. It has to be a better car.

Have a good one,

Those poor Supercar owners, all that money for a car and they have doubts about it being the best. I am sure the most bang for your buck comes from a 50 dollar beater.
I like the Murcielago lights and think it has a great roof line and doors.
Originally posted by Tony Montoya:
I like the Murcielago lights and think it has a great roof line and doors.
I like them too... much better than the bespoke fixed-headlights on the later-model Diablo (trivia: the latter are from the Nissan 300ZX).