Olympics TV Coverage


Legendary Member
31 October 2001
St. Louis, MO
Why in the world is the HDTV telecast from NBC have yesterdays events? Pretty much makes it worthless to telecast in HD if you ask me. :(
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I agree. Just got my big tv and high def and was looking forward to the Olympics. I thought the local broadcast station of NBC was going to be in high def?
High def stations are amazing!
Stupid Comcast doesnt carry HD channels for my local affiliates here. So I get to watch them in crappy analogue. :mad:
NetViper said:
Stupid Comcast doesnt carry HD channels for my local affiliates here. So I get to watch them in crappy analogue. :mad:

Really? All I get in HD is NBC and CBS :( ( and 2 movie channels if I chose to pay up)

Anyway, you can find out the results way before it's TV broadcasted so for me it makes no difference :)
My provider is DishNet. Olympics coverage on channel 9425 is pure HD, not delayed, originating from HDNET.
In Australia we're getting olympics nearly 24hours a day on free to air and HDTV mostly live... and time difference wise where worse than you... alot of people including myself are getting up 2.30 am for the big gold medal races..
Ticks me off that they didn't show more womens softball :mad: Considering how they totally dominated the competition and yet the men's basketball team keeps losing yet they are on. :rolleyes:
Besides, I can't get enough of seeing that Jenny Finch :eek: :eek: