Old Ronin-style NSX video

23 November 2006
Austin, Texas...Ya'll
I cannot find this video but I believe it was filmed in Amsterdam and may have been a series.

It started out early in the morning and raced through the streets of Amsterdam....I seem to recall.

Anyone else remember it and if it can still be found? I've looked everywhere and maybe it was taken down.

Any help would be much appreciated.

a getaway...

I cannot find this video but I believe it was filmed in Amsterdam and may have been a series.

It started out early in the morning and raced through the streets of Amsterdam....I seem to recall.

Anyone else remember it and if it can still be found? I've looked everywhere and maybe it was taken down.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Hey speed-racer, I believe it was Stockholm, Sweden & the vid'clip may be "Getaway In Stockholm 3 - Honda NSX"! :D

(there are other similarly titled clips, more-or-less same gist...)
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