Old Photos - 2013 Shanghai Auto Show

Yeah what is that orange car? I love the design - especially the back end. That is what they need to to for the NSX 2.0. Vertical back side is sharper IMO!

Also, I was a little surprised to see that it is an Acura in China. I thought that was just an American thing? If so, I am glad to see that they are expanding the premium branding to other markets.
Well - Everything was there except the US Hybrids.
Could not take the crowd to get next to the P-car display - I think I blew it.
Sorry to derail a bit.
Red car is the Icona Vulcano - this might have been the only one ...
Here are a few more various if interested.


(... no comments about the cat girl ... maybe we are too obsessed with the tangible :biggrin: )
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