Old oil in newly purcased car

18 April 2015
I am a new member from Norway.I have just purcased a Honda Acura 92 mod. froma dealership in Norway.
After driving the 4 miles home i discovered in the service book that the last oil service may be as long nearly 3 years ago.
The dealer told me it had just been done but this is not documentet any where.
In this time the car has just covered round about 3000 miles.The last year nearly standing still with some moves.
How seriosuly should i take this,have i damaged the motor in any way by driving the 4 miles home?
Thanks for any answers....Rgd.Geird
The dealer probably did do it. Check with them or just change it and go for a rip. As long as the engine wasn't low on oil you should be fine. Does the oil look clean on the stick? Shouldn't be hard to tell.
When you do the oil change check out the condition of the oil coming out (I'd do this for piece of mind). If it was done by the dealer then it should look like fairly new oil. If, however, it looks old and black you could have an argument with the dealer. I think you'd be hard pressed to have a warranty on a 23 year old car. You could always send the oil in for an analysis to get a rough idea of what's going on in your engine. Make sure you post pictures of your new (to you) car.
Thanks for posetiv answers,you put my mind at rest.The oil is not very black more light Brown.I`l change the oil before driving any more.
I will send Pictures of the car asap.What a car.Just what i was looking for.Beats a Ferrari fram the same period in most ways.
Just change out the oil and not worry bout the 4 mile u driven