Old female drivers...,

16 August 2002
Los Angeles
Just wondering, why does it seem like all used cars at the dealers is turned in by a certain profile, and it's all similarly described as older females, good profession, babies the car...etc.

I never realized that older females trade in their cars that often ;)

I am not targeting anyone or dealer, just that I've been to few dealerships lately looking for a used car, and all the original owners have been described to me pretty much similar in the above fashion. I don't know what to believe anymore. I like to trust people, and this always guarded feeling everytime talking to a dealer is bothering me. However, I find it hard to believe ONLY older females doctors or lawyers trade their cars to the dealers!!!
You can always see who the car was registered with on the title.
Maybe they've realized that people won't buy the "old lady who only drove the car to church" line any more, so they have to come up with the next best thing?
SilverOne said:
I like to trust people, and this always guarded feeling everytime talking to a dealer is bothering me. However, I find it hard to believe ONLY older females doctors or lawyers trade their cars to the dealers!!!

It is nice to like to trust people, but I believe that the car dealer is just telling you what you want to hear. IT is mathematically impossible for every car you see on a lot to be turned in by a female lawyer, doctor or old lady.

Reserve your trust for people who have earned it!