OK now i thought I saw everything..

What a joke! But come to think of it, I have a bridge to sell that I think I'm going to auction off on E-bay. Any takers?
Originally posted by ScienceofSpeed:
Actually, i think this is against eBay terms of service, and it will probably be booted off soon.

I saw an auction on ebay 2 weeks ago where the auctioneer was auctioning off an ass beating. No Joke! The man was promising that he was 6 foot, 240 lbs and that he guaranteed to beat the winner thoroughly. The auction had real terms and conditions. ex. Winner is responsible for all travel expenses/incidentals. The auctioneer refused to be picked up at the airport as he wanted the beating to be completely random with no prior contact. Conditions: No fighting back, no pressing charges, etc. Guaranteed no broken bones or use of foreign objects but winner would receive a good solid butt kickin.

Last I saw, there were 2 bidders and high bid was at $50 before it was removed.

Only in America...
Actually I am the high bidder. I figure I can give it to someone for christmas. I will just give the guy someone elses address,like maybe that guy with the neon that I ran over. Just kidding!

[This message has been edited by steveny (edited 05 November 2001).]