oil filter housing coolant lines.

20 March 2009
Hey guys, I have been thinking about changing this lines, I actually just order the two lines and oil filter housing gasket.(number eight shaped)
I was just wondering if it is possible to change them with out having to dump the coolant?

I just replaced most of the coolant lines a little while ago and it was a bitch to bleed the system, I am not looking forward to doing it again if avoidable.

Thanks for your imput in advance.

Sorry to say, but these hoses are among the lowest in the system. It will drain the entire block. If you keep the car raised ONLY in the rear, you can keep some coolant in the radiator and long hoses front to rear as well as the heater core. Keep the water valve for the heater core closed when you drain, but open it before you fill:).

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Thank you Larry ,
I was afraid of that .
Valve for the heater core, which one is that?
At the front of the car?



Yes front, this controls the heat. when open it allows coolant through the heater core. If it is closed when you drain, it will keep most of the coolant in the core:). But....you need to have it open when you bleed.

Well, the car was on jack stands and without wheels.
It was going to be a hasle to drop the front wheel only (trust me).

So I had to bite the bullet and figure out how to replace those two hoses, without draining all of my coolant, well thanks to my "Mexican engineering":tongue: I manage to install the damn hoses!!!
With the help of my swearing in English, Espanish and Mayan, I managed to installed them, I only lost about one liter of coolant.
To the longer hose all I had to do was hit it with heat gun and the lines slip right in, the short hose I still have about half inch on each end to go...

I am tired, I will finish it in my next day off, that was holding my back from installing the rear beam and the Turbo kit.

Glad I got this out of the way.
