Oil Analysis Lab Recommendation

25 October 2001
Northern California
Did a search and found several posts referring to this study:


which refers to selecting Blackstone Labs in Indiana for their oil analysis. http://www.blackstone-labs.com/

Has anyone tried Blackstone Labs?

The shop that changed the oil on the minivan forgot to add oil. The tech has been already fired. It was caught immediately and pulled back into the garage after looping the block. No clunking noises, and so far in about 300+ miles of driving no valves pinging no symptoms.

Blackstone Labs claims they can detect any damage to the bearings even those not visible to inspection from a limited tear down which was recommended by the dealer (taking the oil pan off to inspect the bearings). The shop acknowledges the problem, thinks a tear down is not necessary until symptoms show up; willing to give warranty on any damage to the engine due to oil starvation. We find such warranty somewhat dubious as too many variables may enter into the picture when and if such a valid claim is made in the future. They are not opposed to a limited tear down but are arguing about what we will undoubtedly find normal wear and tear - though this is not defined. Minivan has 65K miles maintained regularly - but its not a Honda, its the Chrysler Town and Country - yes please don't rub it in! Tear down if necessary will be done at the dealer.

Our thinking is to do at least one oil analysis now, another at 3000 miles oil change and then decide if a tear down is called for. Any thoughts? TIA.
I have a sample waiting to go out to Blackstone right now. Somehow, inspite of almost daily trips to the PO, the sample has been sitting here for 2 weeks. :rolleyes:
The only other lab I'd heard good things about has gone bust I think.

As far as your dealer's incompetence - insist on replacement short block. Big-end bearing failure within a month or so would be my prediction. Been there, done that, won the battle with a dealer who left a drain plug finger-tight. Dumped the oil on the GSP. Dealer replaced plug, filled up with oil and pronounced car "fine", no damage. Me (in best Terminator voice): "I'll be back". Sure enough, failure soon followed.