Oh No! First Speeding ticket!

17 August 2002
Cold, snow north...
I just got my first ticket...claimed 85 in a 55. The cop gave me the ticket and left...just said I was speeding, wrote it, gave it to me, and left.

I can't read what my fine is..its too light on the ticket. My question what happens to me(points insurance etc)? I got the ticket in MD and I have a PA license.

Not the best day for me.
What the heck is a $49 bucks traffic attorney? are you serious? if so, I want one or two..... :D guys, do we have any in southern cali?

Brian2by2 said:
Hire a $49 traffic attorney in the state and he'll take care of it...no points, no school, nothing! At least thats how it works in Florida.
I have a great lawyer here in Houston! He has gotten me out of some serious doo doo! Once got a ticket for 120 in a 35(back road, speed trap) on my motorcycle, no insurance, no registration, and no motorcycle license!! I went to my lawyer hoping I could get probation or something. I paid $125 up front and when we were scheduled to go to court, he never showed. The court asked everyone who didn't have representation present, to step outside and call. So I stepped outside and called from my cell. The secretary connected me to him and he was stuck and couldn't make it to court. He asked me to go into court and had my cell phone to the judge. I went in, gave the phone to the bailiff and he gave the phone to the judge. The judge started laughing and told my lawyer that he owed him lunch. Said something about golf and they hung up. The judge said I was free to go! But those frequent visits to the lawyer do add up! :(
Brian2by2 said:
Hire a $49 traffic attorney in the state and he'll take care of it...no points, no school, nothing! At least thats how it works in Florida.

Not necessarily true. In some states, like mine, going over 85 MPH means manditory driving school. There may not be any points if you are lucky, but the ticket stays on your record. It pisses me off because I was doing 89 in a 70 zone, which is only 19 MPH over. I knew a guy that got caught doing 70 in a 35 and got it dropped no tickets, no school, nothing, but I didn't because I was over the 85 limit.

FYI...you have never felt like such a degenerate in your life in driving school surrounded by teenage punks falling asleep in class, talking about partying and drinking like they just discovered electricity.
yellowpad said:
What the heck is a $49 bucks traffic attorney? are you serious? if so, I want one or two..... :D guys, do we have any in southern cali?

The $49 traffic attorney is the cheapo one. I usually pay $65!

Whenever you get a ticket in Flordia, within three days your mailbox is full of solicitations from every traffic attornet in the state. Most gaurantee no conviction and no points. Once however I did have to go to traffic school, but I chose the comedy school where you go and listen to lame-ass jokes for seven hours. :D
jlindy said:

FYI...you have never felt like such a degenerate in your life in driving school surrounded by teenage punks falling asleep in class, talking about partying and drinking like they just discovered electricity.

This reminds me of my last 2 visits to court. There seemed to be a lot of tickets for minors in possetion of alcohol. :rolleyes:
hahahaha..that is funny...we don't get that here!!!!

DocL said:
The $49 traffic attorney is the cheapo one. I usually pay $65!

Whenever you get a ticket in Flordia, within three days your mailbox is full of solicitations from every traffic attornet in the state. Most gaurantee no conviction and no points. Once however I did have to go to traffic school, but I chose the comedy school where you go and listen to lame-ass jokes for seven hours. :D
Auraraptor said:
Anyone? I have no clue where to even start looking.

Try www.motorists.org. They have a link for traffic lawyers for a bunch of different states.

Or, look for billboards that advertise traffic lawyers (here in Dallas, there are always some around).

Or, last resort, try the Yellow Pages (real or online), and look for traffic lawyer, or something along those lines. This is a little more of a crapshoot.

The costs can vary heavily, depending on how close you are to a major metropolitan area. For example, minor tickets (like speeding) in Dallas are usually handled for about $50, but if you get one outside of the city, and more importantly, outside of the county, the costs can double.

Good luck,

P.S. My advice to everyone who gets a ticket: NEVER pay the ticket without a fight. Fight it yourself, get a lawyer, go talk to the DA, whatever it takes to at least keep it off your record.
Whatever you do, DO NOT PLEAD GUILTY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! Fight the ticket, and even if found guilty you can appeal the judgement AFTER the fine is paid. If you just keep fighting, asI have in the past, sometimes you can get off just for outting in the effort.
Whatever you do, DO NOT PLEAD GUILTY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! Fight the ticket, and even if found guilty you can appeal the judgement AFTER the fine is paid. If you just keep fighting, asI have in the past, sometimes you can get off just for outting in the effort.


This is usually the best thing to do. I think it comes down to a money vs. time issue with the courts. If you show an effort to waste a lot of their time they will usually reduce the ticket and fine you a little less in an effort to scoot you through the system. This allows them to collect the most amount of money in the least amount of time.
Brian2by2 said:
Hire a $49 traffic attorney in the state and he'll take care of it...no points, no school, nothing! At least thats how it works in Florida.
Really, I have never heard of that. Then again I've only lived here for 15 yrs. I guess I don't get pulled over enough to need to know it.