Oh My God What To Do With All This Money

22 April 2006

MEXICO CITY -- In the largest cash seizure in Mexican history, authorities confiscated $206 million in U.S. currency from a band of methamphetamine producers headquartered in a ritzy neighborhood here, officials said today.

Two of the seven people arrested at the home were Chinese, and authorities said the bust hinted at the vast scope of an illegal drug trade that links Mexico to Asia.

Authorities said the arrests came after an investigation that began in December, when authorities seized 20 tons of pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient in the production of methamphetamines, at the Mexican Pacific port of Lazaro Cardenas.

Mexican drug trafficking organizations have become increasing important in the wholesale and retail trade in methamphetamines in the United States because American authorities have placed tougher controls on the sale of the chemicals used to produce the highly addictive drug.

Mexico's attorney general's office said the December seizure in Lazaro Cardenas led authorities to a chemical company, Unimed Pharm Chem, based in the city of Toluca, about 50 miles west of Mexico City.

"The resulting investigation showed that this company illegally imported pseudoephedrine acetate from India," the attorney general's office said in a statement. "These chemicals are used to illegally produce methamphetamines."

Mexican police raided the home Thursday in Lomas de Chapultepec, a neighborhood home to some of this city's wealthiest residents and to many members of the diplomatic corps.

Officials said they worked past midnight to count the bills, which were hidden inside walls, suitcases and closets.

The cash seized was mostly in U.S. $100 bills and weighed at least 4,500 pounds. It was five times the amount seized in all of 2006 by Mexican authorities in anti-narcotic and money laundering operations.


if they found 206 mil how much was in the room before it was reported to the media?
:confused: :eek: :wink:
That's actually a fairly good question. What would you do with that much cash?

You can only open so many accounts with cash as long as it's under 4 grand [some places differ] without any explanation to how you got your money; but that'll get old quick.

Cash deals on cars over 30k or so will certainly have government agencies looking at you closely. Any property of real value would basically be out of the question.

You could theoretically get a Swedish account and dump all the cash in there; but using it is a whole different story, at least in the U.S.

I'd probably come up with a laundering scheme that involved buying mass amounts of jewelry etc. in cash and try to clean up the money, but even then it would have plenty of flaws.

Not saying I wouldn't take it though..

On a more serious note, meth consumption/abuse is wayyy out of control. On a sales job in Indiana the general consensus of those I spoke with was that it was a plague effecting the entire Midwest.
In Mexico?
You could buy anything you want... a small militia, the government, small airplanes.

That is - untill someone rats you out to the boys up north and they come hunting your @$$

Me, personally, if I had this kind of cash *oustide* of the US I'd not be conerned with how to use it. Then again, I've never had any money outside the US :)
I saw this yesterday, and then as i was watching Casino Royale last night something hit me. There is NO WAY IN HELL they fit 115 million dollars into that little briefcase she is carrying at the end of the movie.

I guess i never realized how much space 115 million (let alone 200) takes up.
When you deal with cash a lot you learn 2 things quite quickly-

a) Figures in the thousands are actually not much cash at all in volume. 10 grand neatly packed from the bank is only about an inch tall in 100's.

b) Large figures take up A LOT of room. I unfortunately don't have any experience with carrying millions in a suitcase, but it would be a tight squeeze in a small/medium size suitcase to fit enough cash to buy any new 600 AMG with only green.
Years ago at the Flamigo Hotel in Las Vegas they had a million dollars cash in a pile for one of the slot machine jackpots.

In $20 bills neatly stacked, it was approximately 3 feet by 3 feet by 2 feet high.

-edit- found a picture of the vegas pile.

I would throw a sheet on top of that Mexico stash and sleep on it...it looks like a big bed!! :tongue:
The answer seems so obvious...



Even if the dancer charged 1000$ an hour for a lap dance , with that much money you can have 24 lap dances a day for the next 60 years. And you cant forget the kids:wink: .
That money will get you many happy endings for the rest of your life....;)
That stack is huge. I mean seriously when does it come to the point where you say is that enough? I mean at that point its an addiction for sure. Its not about the money. Shit forget the 200 million after the 6 I would have laundered it at 50% and settle for 3 mill. :biggrin:
or you could be like Pakman Jones and "make it rain". :biggrin:
I saw this yesterday, and then as i was watching Casino Royale last night something hit me. There is NO WAY IN HELL they fit 115 million dollars into that little briefcase she is carrying at the end of the movie.

I guess i never realized how much space 115 million (let alone 200) takes up.

Maybe it was Bearer Bonds. I would rent a plane, fly the cash to the Bahamas and unload the cash at the Bank (no questions asked). Get a Black American Express card and let the part begin!!!!!!!!!
Use it to improve public schools, and public works in drug producing countries so their citizens can develop their nations rather than toil in the drug trade.

Supplement drug treatment facilities.

Drug trafficking is not a victimless crime- I see a huge pile of blood money, and would want nothing that it could afford me.

:rolleyes: I was only trying to be funny....sheesh....you guys need to stop getting your panties in a bunch! :eek: :biggrin: