Oh DAAAAMN the new NSX better be something, look at toyota!

??? Isn't petrol the english word for the german "Diesel"? As far as I can see this concept car has no Diesel engine but gasoline ("Otto" engine), right?

And a top speed of 250 km/h is more than lame for a 400+ hp car.
Petrol is the english word for gasoline. Or rather gasoline is the american word for petrol.

Gas is, though a stupid acronym (IMO) for gasoline, more convenient than pertrol when you need to use expressions like "gas it", the other versions "pet it"/"pe it" truly suck :-)

And the volta, though some people think it is ugly, was shaped, afaik, by the guigari ? folks in italy. Same ones as did the stunning Maserati MC12. I am assuming it looks great from certain angles.
Helloooo McFlyyyyy....

Petrol is short for Petroleum.
joove said:
Petrol is the english word for gasoline. Or rather gasoline is the american word for petrol.

Gas is, though a stupid acronym (IMO) for gasoline, more convenient than pertrol when you need to use expressions like "gas it", the other versions "pet it"/"pe it" truly suck :-)

to make things even more interesting and confusing, "Gasoil" is a common word used for Diesel fuel in France.
joove said:
I am assuming it looks great from certain angles.
Maybe so, but it looks horrible from other angles. For instance, the bottom picture on site makes it look like an RX-8 crossed with a Pontiac Aztek. Not a good combo.
I'd say it looks good from the front and the rear, but the profile needs work. Reminds me of the dung beetle I saw on TV yesterday while watching the Discovery channel. Its a concept - It will probably get better.
Oh DAAAMMMMMMMMMN how about we use the SEARCH button before posting three month old news guy?


  • smartness.jpg
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I wonder if this was styled in about 2002 in Maryland?


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