Official NSXPO 2010 Caravan from Texas

26 September 2003
Now that Vegas officially won the bid to host NSXPO 2010, I figured it wasn't too early to start a thread in order to get the Texas caravan there and back.

For everyone wanting to go, please save these dates for next year:
Dates: Thursday 10/28/10- Monday 11/1/10, (early arrival Wednesday 10/27) SEMA starts 11/2 and Vegas NSXers will try to get as many passes as possible.

If you are completely oblivious to NSXPO 2010, go to this thread to see what is going on.

The plan is to drive to Vegas as a group and to ship all of our cars back when we are done.
Now keep in mind that the dates are a Thursday through Monday. The actual festivities are from Friday-Sunday and for Monday will be the track day.
If you are even interested in going, please post here along with how long you will be staying there.
I.E. - myself - Leave early Wednesday morning in the caravan to arrive some time Thursday and will stay for the entire event up to a week.

I know this is very early but I would like for this thread to be up so that I can see about making the trucking arrangements next year for those that want to ship their cars back.

I'll start the list

1. Matt_337 - the whole time
1. Matt_337 - the whole time
2. Synergy004 - the whole time
3. Solid-X - the whole time
4. Fastrunner - the whole time
5. Blackoutz - the whole time
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i think people need to start paying for the truck ASAP and we'll just keep the $ in a savings account.

those of us that are going are serious and its a done deal!!!!
family deaths and any other problems who cares!!!!
Vegas is the most important thing!!!!
as TXvsLV (Texas versus Las Vegas) says!!!!

1. Matt_337 - the whole time
2. Synergy004 - the whole time
3. Solid-X - the whole time
4. Fastrunner - the whole time
5. Blackoutz - the whole time
6. TXvsLV- the whole time and a few days of SEMA
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I plan on driving there and back. I've ridden my Harley there several times. There are great roads there and awesome roads getting back. Let me know if someone would like to take a couple of days getting back. I typically head west out of Phoenix towards Laughlin on the way there. Great roads. On the way back, through the Grand Canyon and down to Sanoma for the night. Also great roads through there.

1. Matt_337 - the whole time
2. Synergy004 - the whole time
3. Solid-X - the whole time
4. Fastrunner - the whole time
5. Blackoutz - the whole time
6. TXvsLV- the whole time and a few days of SEMA
7. TxChopperGuy - the whole time - driving there and back
Bumping for Ritesh

Unfortunately, I am not able to go anymore so I took my name out. You guys will need to figure out how you all are going to go there.

1. TxChopperguy
2. Synergy004 - the whole time
3. Solid-X - the whole time
4. Fastrunner - the whole time
5. Blackoutz - the whole time
6. TXvsLV- the whole time and a few days of SEMA
7. (your name here)
Thanks Matt.

So Luis is driving. What about the rest of you guys? Shipped by Semi or Trailering?
We need to get this figured out.

I would like to have enough info to make a decision.

1. TxChopperguy
2. Synergy004 - the whole time
3. Solid-X - the whole time
4. Fastrunner - the whole time
5. Blackoutz - the whole time
6. TXvsLV- the whole time and a few days of SEMA
7. PoKnow - whole time
8. FastRunner - whole time

Nick... I hope you don't mind.
I’m in! I’ll probably be driving both ways.
Luis has a good idea, taking the scenic route back. At least on the way back I intend to stop by Mesilla (In Las Cruces, NM) to eat at La Posta. Great regional Mexican food, worth the drive even if not already passing through.
the plan!!!!

leave here with the florida and east coasters that drive meeting early am in Houston. some of those guys will crash at houses in the houston area.

we will meet the Austin/San Antonio/Dallas crew in San Antonio aprox 9-10am
and drive to Las Cruses, NM to send the night.

meet up with the NM guys to drive to Phoenix to meet with the STMPO guys and the SOS crew!!!! we should arrive there by the early afternoon.
Cont the drive to Vegas baby!!!!!

call me if yall wanna chat about it

most of the guys wanted to split our drive into 2 days stopping half way.

i have a shipping company that i shipped with to phoenix from Austin for $500 with 1 week notice. this company would love to take all our cars with an even better deal

Travel times are based on Google maps. I know we'll be faster. :D

Tuesday 7AM
-Houston, TX
-Southeast would have arrived the night before

Tuesday 10AM
-San Antonio, TX
-Austin would drive down that morning
-Dallas would have arrived the night before?

Arrive Tuesday 7PM
Depart Wednesday 7AM
-Las Cruces, NM

Arrive Wednesday 2PM
Depart Wednesday 4PM?
-Phoenix, AZ

Wednesday 9PM
-Las Vegas, NV

I like it. We need to make the departure times are firm. That way we don't end up waiting for someone who's unreasonably late throwing off everything else.

Scott. Can you figure out the minimum number of cars for shipping and price? That way we can get a list going for the people who want to commit.

those times are great......very close to what we're predicting

the stop in Las Cruces is a must by the older guys and the vacationers.

as long as the finishing times for the day are close their maybe a few groups lagging or leading to each convergence!!!!
But everything will be sooooo much more fun if we ae all together 4 sure!!!!

im forwarding this over to the forida east coasters for them to see 2
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So what days are being booked for the hotel by everyone attending this caravan. Wednesday till Monday? I'll more then likely drive back. Who else is driving back?

1. TxChopperguy
2. Synergy004 - the whole time
3. Solid-X - the whole time
4. Fastrunner - the whole time
5. Blackoutz - the whole time
6. TXvsLV- the whole time and a few days of SEMA
7. PoKnow - whole time
8. FastRunner - whole time
9. Moses - the whole time
So what days are being booked for the hotel by everyone attending this caravan. Wednesday till Monday? I'll more then likely drive back. Who else is driving back?

1. TxChopperguy
2. Synergy004 - the whole time
3. Solid-X - the whole time
4. Fastrunner - the whole time
5. Blackoutz - the whole time
6. TXvsLV- the whole time and a few days of SEMA
7. PoKnow - whole time
8. FastRunner - whole time
9. Moses - the whole time

I have booked Wednesday through check out Tuesday.

I'm thinking about driving back Tuesday morning. Driving back Monday after the morning event is going to be nuts.

Looks like we at a minimum will have four people driving back. Should be fun!
I have booked Wednesday through check out Tuesday.

I'm thinking about driving back Tuesday morning. Driving back Monday after the morning event is going to be nuts.

Looks like we at a minimum will have four people driving back. Should be fun!

As long as we drive in the day time between El Paso and San Antonio. 80 mph vs 65 mph is a big difference.