Couple of points to consider,
The 'econocan' suppressor is legal if properly registered. It is apparently not legal to replace the oil filter, unless you are a licensed manufacturer. The product page on Cadiz Gun Works even says so, and you can pay them $25 to screw on a new filter. Now obviously, there is no way to tell which oil filter was originally installed, since the filter is not a serial numbered item, but if you are seen at a range with a gear bag full of spare filters, you may wind up with legal trouble.
As for the trusts, I am not a lawyer, but I have heard of some issues with the language. Specifically, some of the guys who used Quicken Willmaker may have had their trust transfers revoked by the ATF. Something about inheritance, that a normal trust can call for restricted NFA items to be passed down to persons not legally able to own them, and the ATF declared it invalid because it legally required an illegal transfer. I don't have a trust, and I don't know anyone who does, so I can't speak from experience. Any lawyers reading this who could shed some light?
Lastly, the G2 RIP 9mm ammo has now been tested, by what appears to be a competent source if you look at some of his other reviews.
Doesn't look that impressive, the summary is that the results can be reproduced in gel with a few .22lr shots. It also choked a Glock 19, which I didn't think was possible.