Official Drink for nsx'ers

I was down in Jacksonville Fl for business last week, and I heard some news on the radio about "pimpjuice".

It seems as though some national "group" is calling for all stores to boycott selling this product due to the promotional nature to pimps, and the degrading of women. etc etc.

Now where can I cet me some?:p
Bare with me guys, but

Uhh , why is this drink the official NSX drink?
cmhs75 said:
Bare with me guys, but

Uhh , why is this drink the official NSX drink?
Ditto. Water is perfectly fine as the official NSX drink. That dumb sugar drink with such obnoxious name goes to some low lifes' cars.
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I guess cuz we're "big pimpin" when we're "rollin in the NSX"?
Exactly. I guess I had couple person called me Pimp as soon as I rolled up to their house in my X... No matter how many times I told those People that I don't need my nsx to get women...

LOL! Where can I buy that stuff??
Check your local 7-11, if you happened to be at Seattle, stop by the one at Stone Way and 47th... :D
neo, the Pimp Juice is one of the song by rapper "Nelly". You might want to go online and search for the song...

guess he's not that popular in the lower half of the earth, huh?
Actually, a shocking revelation from my little brother in high school - "Pimp" is now an adjective/noun/etc. :) If someone looks at your car and simply says "Pimp", it's supposed to be a compliment. Luckily the smile that they receive when they say that could be interpreted as appreciation. ;)
Come to think of it, Who needs woman when we are driving our NSX?? No matter how hot ( or light weight ) they are, they just slow the car down!! (By adding weight or by commanding.)

No matter how many times I told those People that I don't need my nsx to get women...
NSXDreamer2 said:
Come to think of it, Who needs woman when we are driving our NSX?? No matter how hot ( or light weight ) they are, they just slow the car down!! (By adding weight or by commanding.)

I hope your girl friend doesn't visit Prime ;)
she won't, she hates me doing that, and she thinks I'm nutz being on this web site all day long... ((other than driving nsx (in reality or even playing GT3) and talking with freinds about nsx...))

bottom line, Girls and Cars don't mix.

well, i guess an official NSX drink isn't out of the question; afterall, MYNSX invented the "NSX sushi". :D

I think we should gather a list of drinks and have a vote!!! let the polls decide. :D
NeoNSX said:

well, i guess an official NSX drink isn't out of the question; afterall, MYNSX invented the "NSX sushi". :D

I think we should gather a list of drinks and have a vote!!! let the polls decide. :D

Neo, I'm still new here, do you have a link regarding that, and, is that still "mynsx sushi" or a Ferrari Sushi now??
...where's Mr.Wolf or Forums Nazi when you need them... my search skills are rusty. but i found the original thread... (which is a really funny read btw)

Here's the ingrediants; quoted by the Master Chef MYNSX. :D

There was also a photo posted on a thread once of Scottsdale guys and MYNSX holding a "MYNSX Roll" which was sooooo huge & sloopy, but i can't find it. Perhaps Kelvin still has a copy.