off-season storage : Chicago or NW / W suburbs

13 May 2001
Chicago, IL
Was looking to offsite store 1-2 cars over the winter, and wanted to check to see if anyone had any options they cared to share, or was looking to get a shared space in.

Need covered, secure space -- not necessarily heated. Preferably city or N/NW suburbs. Ideally with power outlets for occasional use of light equipment -- lights and occasional battery trickle-charger.

Please post any interest / availability here, or email me at nsx1164 at gmail dot com.

Thanks -- Manuel
Anyone wanna get together and just buy a place in the NW burbs for storing cars? :D If enough people are IN, it'd be pretty cheap and the real estate would appreciate as well :D Btw, I'm a licensed Realtor :)

Great idea! I actually need a place to store my (not an NSX, just an Integra GSR). I'm located in the Lincoln Park area and refuse to put the car through another winter here.

I'm open to about anything...either renting a place from someone to whatever.
O-Ace said:
Anyone wanna get together and just buy a place in the NW burbs for storing cars? :D If enough people are IN, it'd be pretty cheap and the real estate would appreciate as well :D Btw, I'm a licensed Realtor :)
I'd be interested in either a BUY or RENT situation. For me, renting may make more sense initially as its a partial-use (mainly off-season only) situation.

Awais -- wanted to clarify this:
- how big a space gets us reasonable economies of scale (e.g., 10 car slots? 20 cars?)
- what would the approx buy-in be per slot ??

I'll need space for 1-2 cars from sometime in November through around April.
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Manuel, I'll post some info on this later tonight. Really depends on the location ofcourse. For example, getting a garage in Northbrook wouldn't really be worth it. Let me see what I can find and I'll post details in the evening.

Last winter, I stored my C5 at The Lock Up in Glenview. Good thing is, this place is right behind my house and I could just walk to get my car. Price was around $200/month. That might be the way to go considering we only need to store the cars for a few months. Here's a link: But if you're still interested in purchasing a place, let me know. I'd actually like to buy a place and use it for exotic auto storage ONLY. I have some ideas but I'm not sure if it would be a worthwhile investment.

Manuel, is there more than 1 garage available? If so, please PM the details on location, contact#s etc. I'd like to store a couple of cars as well.

I think I'm OK for now, but thought I'd throw this out as an option...

Saw this ad in the Chicago Reader online -- might be worth a shot if the rent $$ are negotiable. $100/mo per car is a bit much for the area IMO, although $80 might be OK.


EDGEWATER, BROADWAY/ THORNDALE area. 6600 sf heated garage with drive-in doors. Clean. Perfect for contractor or car storage (25 cars). No body shops. $2500/ month. Call David, 312-458-9602.