OEM Software. Cheap - what gives?

Well, let's see: the domain is registered to a gentleman in CA with a Russian name, the web site is hosted in Moscow, the software is shipped from "Eastern Europe" and their site says "Note, that you will not be able to register the software with the manufacturer and get their support". Yep, sounds legitimate to me.:rolleyes:
KGP said:
http://www.cdsoft4u.biz/ What's the deal with this software? Think it's legit? I mean it's not like Photoshop is typically sold for $60.

I don't know - just picked up Photoshop Elements for $52 at Sam's club in Des Peres!

I know - it is not the same as the "pro" version but for 99% of people it does everything they would want to do with images.
That's pirated. I get those in emails all the time.
I find it ironic that you would <B>pay</B> for <B>warez</B>. Isn't warez about getting costly software for free?

Don't buy it. Chances are your credit card will end up with porn purchases on your next statement.
NeoNSX said:
That's pirated...

Not necessarily, though quite possibly. It may be essentially as they state, if you read between the lines a little. It would appear to be disks originally intended for pre-installed software. Their reference to OEM generally means just that, included with complete systems and not to be sold separately. So they may be selling lots of left-over OEM disks for systems that were never built or sold. Then again, they may be taking relatively few of those and copying them. Either way it is not technically legitimate. Since they come from Eastern Europe they may also be localized versions which can cause problems on US version operating systems.