odyssey battery issue

24 July 2002
Had to boost the car when I took it out of storage (heated parkade) today. Got back to my place 20 min away. Shut off the car and tried to start the car again. No go. Just gave me the machine gun-like ratatatatata sound.

Car has an odyssey battery (PC530 i think???) with the dali batt mount...


When I bought the car, I was given a charger:


But after looking at the link, I realized that I am missing the part with the clamps. I do have the block...but obviously it's useless without the clamps.

So I was thinking of just borrowing a charger (http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/brow...2B10%252B2A%2BBattery%2BCharger.jsp?locale=en) off of a friend's and see how it goes. If not, time for a new battery.

did you charge the car while it was in storage?? does not matter if it was heated or not..if u didn't trickle charge the battery, nsx being extremely picky about battery juice, the car won't start..

i would check your battery post and see if both cable are tight and secure...if it's not tight, it won't start..if the battery is not full, it won't start..check the battery cables for the permanent battery charger cable that connect to the box..u said u don't have the clamps but have the box..
brand new the box should have, 2 clamps, 2 permanent ring terminal cable, charger unit(brain) plug into ac outlet..u choose if u want to use the clamps or permanent ring terminal cable..check for that..

good luck
Re: odyssey batteries in edmonton


It doesn't have to be odyssey brand. Something that size which I can get in the city and that it fits in that mount/bracket.
The ratatata sound is the solenoid trying to pull in. Most likely (but not 100% guarantee) your connections are good and the battery is weak. But, at least check for corrosion at the battery clamps. If your car got successfully jumped at the battery clamps, then the battery cables and all other connections are most likely good.

How long was it in storage?

Odyssey batteries are for light weight. They have significantly less capacity than the OEM battery. Even an OEM battery can get fully discharged in 3 to 4 weeks of storage.

Given the battery was fully drained, I would put it on a low current (1 or 2 amps) charge for a couple of days. If it won't start then, its time for a new battery.
did you charge the car while it was in storage?? does not matter if it was heated or not..if u didn't trickle charge the battery, nsx being extremely picky about battery juice, the car won't start..

All I did was disconnect the cables from the terminals. I didn't trickle charge.

i would check your battery post and see if both cable are tight and secure...if it's not tight, it won't start..if the battery is not full, it won't start..check the battery cables for the permanent battery charger cable that connect to the box..u said u don't have the clamps but have the box..
brand new the box should have, 2 clamps, 2 permanent ring terminal cable, charger unit(brain) plug into ac outlet..u choose if u want to use the clamps or permanent ring terminal cable..check for that..

good luck

I was referring to the block (???) in the picture, not an actual cardboard box that holds the contents of the kit :)

How long was it in storage?

Since middle of Oct sometime.

Given the battery was fully drained, I would put it on a low current (1 or 2 amps) charge for a couple of days. If it won't start then, its time for a new battery.

I just picked up this an hour ago:


Good timing as it's on sale too.

I set it to 2A. I also have the option to set to CONVENTIONAL/LOW MAINT or MAINT-FREE BATTERY. I did a google and found this:


Totally maintenance free - No need to add water, ever! Drycell design with resealable venting system.

So I set it to MAINT-FREE option.

Hopefully I am not doing anything wrong.

And also, the amp needle jumps to 0 every so often and the CHARGED light comes ON for a split second. Then the amp needle goes back to 2A and the light turns OFF.
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