Odo meter

30 January 2007
My odo meter (the one showing rpm) went dead recently. Notice it works sometime sometime. not I install an apexi rsm meter. Hey the meter works again but the CEL and TCS lights came on. They went away after engine swithed off. Went back to the shop. Check the wiring. Now the lights are off. no problem but the odo meter not working.

It is just a wiring issue. Car 14 years old.
The odometer is electronic also. Try coasting with the ignition off and notice neither the speedometer nor odometer are registering.

In the old days they were both mechanical, but all that changed in the 1990s if not before.

In fact, in the really old days tachometers were also mechanical. My 1959 Porsche Convertible D had a tach cable that must have been 18 feet long. The tach drive was on the very rear of the engine and had to snake all the way from the back of the car, to the front, and then back to the instrument panel. They would crap out every 30,000 miles or so. Luckily there were machine replacements easily available so you didn't have to pay Porsche prices to replace it.

I remember skiing at Jay Peak, VT where the temperature could easily drop to -20F at night. There was a 1 in 5 chance of hearing the dreaded 'snap' when you started the engine in the morning -- if you started it. It only had a 6 volt electrical system, which did not really cotton to those kinds of temperatures!
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The NSX odo has two electric harnesses going into it, each one controlling one side (rpm+lights & odo+lights) and uses power thrrough a pcb that lights up the dash and little mmotrs that drive everything else (ttach, odo, rppm etc..).. No cables.

First, since you were messing with electroniccs, make sure that it's snug and plugged in. Second, make sure no wire is cut, or loose etc..

If that doesn't work, you'll need to take the odo out and start working with the multimeter. If it's truly not something "stupid" like loose or cut wire, then it's [possibly] the PCB that's going bad.

PS: If you had someone else do this electronic work, and they screwed it up, I wouldn't take it back to them.
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