O2 sensors replacement. A dilemma

14 September 2003
Bassano del Grappa - Italy
Hi guys,

I'm having the dealer install my new Taitec headers.
He managed to get the O2 sensors out from the old manifold, following the advice I had found here on another thread.
However, one of the two got the threading damaged.
Now the tech tells me we could do 2 things
  • install a new sensor, but they cost Euro 360 a piece here
  • put a new thread on the sensor, but then we will need to machine the new header as well to make space for the extra material. I assume this option to be a lot cheaper.
What do you advise me to do?

Thank you for your help

hlweyl said:
See if you can get the mechanic to try a heli-coil kit.
The way I read it the thread was damaged on the O2 sensor, not the brand new headers, therefor helicoil not applicable

classic cars said:
  • put a new thread on the sensor, but then we will need to machine the new header as well to make space for the extra material. I assume this option to be a lot cheaper.

Please don't go this route to save a few dollars in the short term.
Personally I would not do anything to mess with the threads on the header if it is indeed perfect - Think about the consequences if you choose this route & later have to replace it for some reason; now you have a non-standard thread on one side & would have to re-cut a new sensor to match whatever thread your mechanic cuts on that header. Suppose you sell the car later & the new owner has a problem & can't figure out why his new sensor won't fit & can't even identify what thread it is (why would anyone even suspect it to be different?)
Just bite the bullet & get the new O2 sensor. I'm sure you can shop around & find the O2 sensor at a much better price.
Get a new sensor--the old one could be damaged, then you go through all that work for nothing, plus the headache of a future replacment with non-standard thread!

Good luck,

I agree, get a new one if the threads are totally damaged. If not they do sell a "die" that should clean and possibly repair the threads, that is if they are bent. (Not damages severely)