O.K...O/P Run and BBQ on Feb. 21

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
O.K...O/P Run and BBQ on Feb.22

[EDIT] ...

O/P Run and BBQ will be on Sunday Feb. 22nd...

Meet, greet and eat from 8:00-9:30 am at Denny's off Ortega Hwy and 5 Fwy in SJC(if lot is full we can go to the other lot down the road like last time)

Depart at 9:30 am - Take Ortega to 15 south to 79 south to Palomar Mtn road, then take 76 west to Nicks if you want to join us for the BBQ.:p If someone still has a map from last time, bring copies..thanx

Hope to see you all there....:D

Update: So far it looks like
91 X
are in 4 the run....

On the fence,

Last edited:
You know I am the kind of guy that doesn't know how to miss these things.
sure it is open for vote...sunday is fine by me......what ever day gets most votes sounds good....
original post has been edited....:cool:

BTW, don't all reply at once:rolleyes:
FF Drifter said:
Non-NSX people are okay to come? Provided they can keep up? :p

Ya, definitely. Bring a good attitude with you, and we are game.
Sunday, being Washington's birthday is a good day for an NSX ride :)
So that gives me mild voting power? I'd rather have it on Saturday. Sunday is full of family/church events.
Another "Pre-" NSX owner event?
I could use a crash course of NSX before the Auto Cross
(I could bring the Prelude.... but again this girl wouldnt mind a ride from a kind hearted stranger)
Don't you worry, there will be some open seats. Beside, there are a couple of girls here in SD that do things with the guys, too. So you will not be a first.
We will be on for that sunday, right? People!
Re: O.K...O/P Run and BBQ on Feb. 21 or 22

91 X said:
Same meeting place as usual...It's been awhile since the last one, so let's get together and have some fun on the twisties

Uhhh....(sorry but I'm new)
The corner of Usual street and I-give-up Ave.
Lil help here.
Someone want to fill me in on the usual meeting place is:confused:
*I am going to try my best to make it, there's a lot I need to learn about NSX and the poeple who make up these great clubs, the more events I sit in on the better job I'll this summer*
Re: Re: O.K...O/P Run and BBQ on Feb. 21 or 22

NSX~Kleine said:
Uhhh....(sorry but I'm new)
The corner of Usual street and I-give-up Ave.
Lil help here.
Someone want to fill me in on the usual meeting place is:confused:
*I am going to try my best to make it, there's a lot I need to learn about NSX and the poeple who make up these great clubs, the more events I sit in on the better job I'll this summer*

I don't even know where this place is myself, but i and two or three guys will started down here in Clairmont, San diego and make our way up to the meet point. Want to meet us down here?
Re: Re: O.K...O/P Run and BBQ on Feb. 21 or 22

NSX~Kleine said:
Uhhh....(sorry but I'm new)
The corner of Usual street and I-give-up Ave.
Lil help here.
Someone want to fill me in on the usual meeting place is:confused:
*I am going to try my best to make it, there's a lot I need to learn about NSX and the poeple who make up these great clubs, the more events I sit in on the better job I'll this summer*
I'm assuming 91 X is referring to the "usual" Denny's meeting spot, as discussed in this previous Ortega/Palomar Run thread.
Thanx Fury...BTW, are you going to be able to make it?

Sorry about that to those who haven't been there yet...The usual meeting place is the Denny's off of the 5 fwy on Ortega Hwy in San Juan Capistrano....If heading south bound on 5, exit Ortega Hwy(Hwy 74) and make a left..If heading north on 5 make a right..You can't miss it.

If it is a big turn out we can go up the road to the lot we met at last time...just up the road from Denny's(head east on Ortega, first light make right and then quick left)
Sunday is the clear favorite so far....

what about time??? 8:30 or 9:30???

I perfer 9:30.....

Sunday, Feb. 22nd at 9:30 am sound good???
Ya, that time frame will work.
I feel the itch. Unfortunately, got into a minor fender bender on Sat night when a woman decided to emergency brake when the light turned yellow while beginning her turn. 2 car lengths away and I couldn't slow down 5,000lbs in time and tagged her about 6-7mph. Unfortunately, bumpers are in line with my headlights, I won't have the car back for a while. We were both OK, thats the main thing.

The kicker? It was just us and two other cars in the opposite direction and its at least a 10 second yellow. Her door was open and she was getting out before it turned red. Stupid @#$%^...

Edit: Yes, it was slick and I had cold brakes, nothing I could do to stop the car from 20mph without another 50ft extra.

Update: Had shish kebabs(sp?) at Nicks on Super Bowl Sunday, if we can get him to make those it would be worth it just for that alone to show up:eek: mmm, mmm, mmm gooood stuff

More to follow.....