NYC Sanitation destroying property

27 November 2002
Contains some graphic language so turn your speakers off if your at work

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$$$ :eek::eek::eek:
Wow - Is it even remotely possible that he couldn't see it or tell he was hitting it?
I think their mentality is "I already hit it......... fuck it just keep on hitting it damage was already done"
Not only did they know they hit it, the back hoe driver used it for leverage, you could tell by the way he was wiggling the back hoe. But you could also see him stop as soon as he was free of the SUV, he stopped so he did not hit the tow truck. If that were my car I would be walking down locked and loaded, seriously.
This "wonderful" event made the broadcast TV news last night. NYC responded by saying they "usually compensate the owner for this type of event". Of course, what will their estimate of the damage be? Will their findings say the SUV was parked 1" over the line and therefore they are not responsible? etc.

On TV I saw the rear bumper fall off. I sure looks like a good candidate for a bent frame, plus lots of other hidden damage. I'd want another vehicle, not repairs, unless I had a lot of confidence in the repair shop.

Forget "locked and loaded" - that's too merciful. I would want a large steamroller and the backhoe driver and towtruck driver chained to the pavement. :mad:
That incident is just one of the many reasons why I left NY$HITTY 15 years ago. Not only does your car get fvcked by the city workers, but every car I ever drove into the $hitty was either broken into or stolen if I didn't park in a lot. I once went into my cousins apartment for 15 minutes and when I came back down my two week old Jeep was gone. And.....It was parked in front of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. HA!!! :biggrin::biggrin::eek:
I once went into my cousins apartment for 15 minutes and when I came back down my two week old Jeep was gone. And.....It was parked in front of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

That was yours?! :eek:

Oops, my bad...........:redface:

p.s. but do you want your pine tree air freshener back?
Good work Bailey. Glad to see you're out there with the real stories before the media cuts into them. :wink::wink:
That incident is just one of the many reasons why I left NY$HITTY 15 years ago. Not only does your car get fvcked by the city workers, but every car I ever drove into the $hitty was either broken into or stolen if I didn't park in a lot. I once went into my cousins apartment for 15 minutes and when I came back down my two week old Jeep was gone. And.....It was parked in front of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. HA!!! :biggrin::biggrin::eek:

Thats because the nyc pound is only a few blocks away .... I actually timed a guy one day and it took him less then 10 minutes to get into the car pull the emergency brake unhook the linkage and drive away.
I hope he left a note.:wink:
BOTH of these cars belong to a good friend of mine's cousin and her daughter. Should be a fun insurance discussion.....

Talk about a bad day!!

wow small world Larry...I saw her interview on the street and she echoed that all they said was the city would pay for it and kept on going...