NYC question : Canal street

21 June 2005
I'm too lazy to surf the net right now, so could my East coast NSX friends tell me about the shopping significance of this lower Manhattan street ? Is it a good place to buy fake designer brand names ? Well made fake designer brand names ? Or the real stuff at a good price ?
They have cracked down in recent years on knockoffs but you can still find them although not as visible. In terms of shopping in general, you are more likely to find fakes than get good deals on anything that is legit.
:wink: The best thing to buy at Canal street at the moment is the silver jewelry as most of them aren't knockoffs and can be haggled down to a fair price. However if you want to be 100% that your not getting a bootleg of any sorts then just buy the fruits :wink:
:wink: The best thing to buy at Canal street at the moment is the silver jewelry as most of them aren't knockoffs and can be haggled down to a fair price. However if you want to be 100% that your not getting a bootleg of any sorts then just buy the fruits :wink:

I heard they have fake asian pears now. :eek:
I'm too lazy to surf the net right now, so could my East coast NSX friends tell me about the shopping significance of this lower Manhattan street ? Is it a good place to buy fake designer brand names ? Well made fake designer brand names ? Or the real stuff at a good price ?

I'm the wholesaler, which brand/model u want? :biggrin: :biggrin:
I'm too lazy to surf the net right now, so could my East coast NSX friends tell me about the shopping significance of this lower Manhattan street ? Is it a good place to buy fake designer brand names ? Well made fake designer brand names ? Or the real stuff at a good price ?

You can go to the store at the corner of Centre and Canal Street. And very small one next to the construction area. That Vietnamese guy is one of the oldest retailer. And u can ask him for a ride in his F430. :biggrin:
What are you looking for? You can get good deals on electronics down there too, dont think you get a warranty though :)

We're planning on visiting N.Y.C. this summer, and apparently my girlfriend's sister LOVES to I guess she'll want to buy purses, accessories, etc.......I've heard that Canal street is famous for shopping, but I wasn't sure if it was famous for knock-offs or the real stuff....
I dont think its famous for shopping. Its famous for getting nick nacks and souveniers. There are a few places still selling fake purses. I took a girl and her friends there last week. The 2 or 3 places is on south side of canal between centre and mulberry. usually there will be a guy or woman constantly repeating "gucci, louis vuitton, ...etc". Then they'll take u up stairs to some apartment or room. I think you are better off enjoying the food. My suggestions are Nha Trang on Centre for vietnamese (def not the best in the world but the best in the city, LA and Houston so much better), Mr. Tangs on mott for dinner (order from the special chinese menu. The prefix dinners are great...for 2 or 4 or 6), noodletown on bowery for chinese bbq, or Ping's on mott for dim sum. Well, there's my opinion. Done my good deed for the day. Good luck.