NTS2KOC Two Rows Tuesday

22 September 2004
Plano, TX
***cross-post from the North Texas S2000 Owners Club forum***

It's official!!! We are going to start having a monthly casual get together the first Tuesday of each month at Two Rows in Allen (NE corner of 75 and Bethany). To get things kicked off this month we're going to meet on Tuesday the 18th at 6:00pm (or whenever you can get there!)

I'm still working on arranging for some kind of group discount with Two Rows in addition to the $1 domestic pints and having reserved tables set aside. It would help if I can give them an estimated head count so chime in if you haven't already in the other thread.

So, come on down and hang out for a while with your other sports car enthusiasts and enjoy some good food and fun. I'm also going to post this on the boards of our Miata and NSX friends as well.


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looks like it's going to be in allen, which is way north of dallas, not exactly central to the city. maybe it's closer to the center of where the attendees actually live.

that's great for me, lots closer than irving, but my question is: does this meeting replace the irving meetings?

count me in for the 18th.
never mind, i'm a moron. this is for S2K folks. however, allen is still north of dallas.

imagine my confusion, posting on an NSX site...
Sorry for the confusion guys - yes this is mostly a group of North Texas S2000 owners but I thought there might be some of you NSX folks might be interested as we have done some combined events in the past.

I basically did a cut and paste from our forum - I should have done you all the courtesy to modify it a bit to make it more clear. Anyhow, anyone in the area is welcome to join us if you'd like. After all - we all have an appreciation for Honda/Acura sports cars!
