NSXPrime Member Status Issue

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
Dearest Lud,

Subsequent to my last donation, my status changed from a noble "Patron" to the awfully plebeian "Gold" status. While I'm happy to muck around with the commoners, it's having a painful impact on my ability to communicate via PM. I've deleted a few hundred PMs to ease the strain but now my finger tips are bruised so much that I'm presently forced to petition your better nature and ask for reclassification of my status back to the exalted "Patron" level.

Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to PM me with any questions (you may have to elevate my status to do so).

Best regards,
you can download all the emails into a text format and keep going. at the bottom of the inbox there is a icon you can click it say download all e-mails

Thanks. I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone though w/o having to DL in any of the available formats. It's what I did though to be able to communicate.

This happens to me every time I donate to prime....seems to have happened...again
These threads are helpful because I keep forgetting to re-up and threads serve as a reminder.
However, for the life of me I can't remember where the donation information is.
Would someone please point me in the right direction?