NSXPO Site, Don, Larry, RSO

29 February 2008
New Jersey
I tried to register earlier today and the site thinks it is the 13th and not the 12th as it is charging me the 13th rate. Should I register anyway or wait unit someone contacts me with a fix? Due to my work, the extension to today was a big help. However, I am not sure why the site is calculating the date wrong. Thanks,
I tried to register earlier today and the site thinks it is the 13th and not the 12th as it is charging me the 13th rate. Should I register anyway or wait unit someone contacts me with a fix? Due to my work, the extension to today was a big help. However, I am not sure why the site is calculating the date wrong. Thanks,

I would register first and sort it out later these are decent people and they will do the right thing:smile:
I just finished off the registration. I know the officers are great guys so I was not worried. I just didn't want to create extra work for anyone having to go back and change it after the fact. The people are the reason I am going in the first place. :smile:
Thanks for the kind words. Can't tell you why the system jumped the gun, but I can tell you, you won't be charged the extra fees.

I'm glad you can make it and look forward to seeing you guys real soon.
