NSXPO rates were negotiated when the rates were much higher than 55/85. The economy has continued to trend downward since, therefore these much lower rates. You're more than welcomed to book now at these super low rates via the interent, however, your reservation will not count towards the room block obligation taken on by NSXCA (on behalf of the participants to make enough rooms available for NSXPO). Such was the difficulty in determining the number of rooms to commit to. Too few, and there may be too few rooms available and those left out would need to seek rooms elsewhere. Reserve too many, and NSXCA is obligated to pay for any unused rooms. Estimate correcty, and the rates could still go down. We did address this contingency and I think by having to request NSXCA rates by phone (and therefore credit towards NSXCA room count), any room reserved by NSXPO participants via the internet does not get credited to NSXCA. Just FYI. Whichever method, looking forward to seeing you all in October.
Best Regards,