NSXPO Day 3 - the tour continues......

28 March 2002
Today we experienced the varied weather patterns in the Bay area. We tried to travel the scenic overlook above the Golden Gate but we were fogged in both times. The photos in this link with a grey "backdrop" show the level of the fog because the Golden Gate Bridge is actually in the background of one of them (try to guess which one).

We then travelled to Muir woods and along Hwy 1 and went through some great weather on our way to see the trees. The drive was very slow because of the extremely enjoyable twisting road which was done in 2nd gear the entire way.

After being blocked by the fog once again, we drove into Sauselito for some sun and lunch. You can see the fog rolling in over Sauselito in some of the shots.

Now it is off to dinner at the French Laundry where a 9 course meal awaits us in a private dining room. Until then, here are some shots of today's touring..............


What a wonderful way to spend autumn! Again, thank you so much for the pictures!
omg!!! how can i miss this event? fine foods, fine wine, and fine places.....yike:eek: that's it, i am going tomorrow morning. i'll see you there!!