NSXPO 2011 Volunteers Wanted

13 February 2008
Pennington, NJ
As you know NSXPO 2011 will be in New Jersey this year and we need your help!

Alan Offise (Climberao) and myself as co-chairs for the event would like to meet with anyone who wants to be a part of the soon-to-be renoun event.

Please come to the Northeast Holiday Dinner 20-30 minutes early to meet regarding the different ways you can be involved. From managing an entire part of the event to stuffing envelopes for registration to pre-driving the different fun-runs or helping with the NSXPO onsite registeration, we need you.

If you won't be at the dinner then PM either Alan or myself.

Be a part of the Northeast's Amazing NSXPO and join us in producing NSXPO2011!
I'll be happy to pre drive a fun run...sounds like fun. I would be also happy to help with DE as long as I can also drive in the DE.

You may want to post all the various jobs you need done and how many people you need for each task so we can choose which job we can volunteer.

Can't wait, it'll be my first NSXPO, I keep missing them for one reason or another so if I commit I will have to attend.

Congrats on getting awarded.

Let me know what I can do:wink:
Don't worry, we will!

Seriously, will you be at the dinner this year?

ooooh, Saturday night? My guess would be probably not but I'll mull it over :biggrin:
Mike: Didn't think so, but thought I'd give it a try.

NSXRguy: Here's a copy of Larry's previous post. The official NSXPO2011 website should be up and running within the next couple of weeks. That will have all the information you need regarding hotel, event schedule, HPDE event signup and in a short while, registration.

To all NSXCA Members and NSX Owners:

The NSX Club of America Board of Directors is pleased to announce NSXPO2011. NSXPO2011 will be held in Central New Jersey(Headquarters Hotel in Langehorn, PA.) on September 22nd through September 27th. September 22nd will be early registration with the Social Event being held September 23rd-September 25th. The NSXPO2011 track event will be held at New Jersey Motorsports Park on September 26th and 27th. There are many more details to follow and as these details are finalized everyone will be informed.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at NSXPO2011!!

On behalf of the NSX Club of America Board of Directors,

Best Regards,
Im looking forward to the event. I probably wont join in on the actual track event, but ill do the gokarting with my friends
I'd like to volunteer Dave/Turbo2Go to help in whatever capacity is needed (preferably doing something really crappy). He's not even averaging five posts per day on NSXPrime anymore and I am concerned that he might not be doing so well.
I don't have an NSX yet and just joined NSXCA 2 weeks ago (still awaiting membership info and/or acknowledgment of my payment) but would be glad to pitch in from a distance with any needed digital graphic design/art/logo pieces.
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I'd like to volunteer Dave/Turbo2Go to help in whatever capacity is needed (preferably doing something really crappy). He's not even averaging five posts per day on NSXPrime anymore and I am concerned that he might not be doing so well.

Now Liquid, I couldn't possibly imagine that there would be anything crappy to do associated with NSXPO 2011.

I did wonder where he went. Perhaps he's installing electronics in the Kremlin and has been regretfully detained?
Now Liquid, I couldn't possibly imagine that there would be anything crappy to do associated with NSXPO 2011.

I did wonder where he went. Perhaps he's installing electronics in the Kremlin and has been regretfully detained?

he can have porta potty cleaning duties at the track:tongue:
I don't have an NSX yet and just joined NSXCA 2 weeks ago (still awaiting membership info and/or acknowledgment of my payment) but would be glad to pitch in from a distance with any needed digital graphic design/art/logo pieces.

Yinzer that's great that you joined NSXCA! You'll love getting NSX Driver magazine; it's like Christmas everytime it shows up in the mailbox. I think the guys that process the new memberships have had a lot of snow lately so it has been difficult to get to the PO Box - or ato least that's what I heard.

That's awesome that you want to help out with it. Right now we have someone who is almost finished with the logo and the website, but I'd appreciate it if you would PM me with the best way to contact you so when we need help we'll be able to reach you.

If you enjoying going on Prime and other car forums and would love to have a solid 'reason' for doing so then we need your help.

We're looking for someone to post information regarding the NSXPO HPDE/Track event on multiple car forums and to answer questions and periodically post on those forums to generate interest in the track event. This includes Prime as well.

We'll provide you with the information to post and who to contact with any questions.

If you interested in doing this and helping out with making NSXPO 2011 a success, please pm me or climberao. Thanks!
Hey Frank,
That's great that you and Jan want to help.

Since the dinner was delayed a month we are moving forward with the volunteer activities via pm's or emails. We do have some things that we could use help on now, like the forum poster/reader, so if you or anyone else is interested in that, let us know.

As the website becomes live in the next week or so, we'll have some volunteer opportunities and information posted there.

Thank you Frank and Jan and everyone else for your offers to help!
I'll help, let me know what you need. I'd prefer to do as much as i can now, as I'm off the radar for the summer. :wink:
I think you know my strengths.....I will make every effort to be off that wk.
I volunteer to drink martinis with the president of the NSXCA.

Semisan. Enima. I clean up!
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Yinzer that's great that you joined NSXCA! You'll love getting NSX Driver magazine; it's like Christmas everytime it shows up in the mailbox. I think the guys that process the new memberships have had a lot of snow lately so it has been difficult to get to the PO Box - or ato least that's what I heard.

That's awesome that you want to help out with it. Right now we have someone who is almost finished with the logo and the website, but I'd appreciate it if you would PM me with the best way to contact you so when we need help we'll be able to reach you.


PM sent, just saw this. Pardon the delay, I should have subscribed to this thread! The very day I posted, I got an email and was given an offer I couldn't refuse by some Don regarding my application, watch out for that guy. No problem on the delay and hopefully I can make this year's in an NSX, it's a short drive from Pittsburgh.
You have my phone #, address and PM. I am ready, willing and able. I will be @ Expo and the track for all of the days. Auction? track help? registration? whatever?

NSXPO comes to NJ and I decide to move 2000 miles away. :( I don't think I'm going to be able to make this one. Sorry Guys! Maybe we can do 2012 in Denver? :D