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ANYTIME is probably referring to the Riverside traffic in the morning.

Dave, I see your point about the Phoenix rush hour traffic if we were to roll in town at 5. Leaving late is not an option because we'll miss the cocktail reception. We can of course leave at 6:30 am and be there by 1pm.

We already know that the SD caravan will not be joining us.  :frown: So early departure is not an issue.

If the OC caravan were to leave at 10:00 and take a 30 min. gas/food break, we can be there by 4. We can then meet the LA caravan at Wheel Inn, but it is not going to be a sit down lunch.

I can do either 6 or 10. Any preference? So far, we have 6 cars signed up. I'm sure we'll have more.
