Nsxpo 2004 Dvd

14 August 2003
Toronto, Canada
Hey guys, I was thinking of putting together a short NSXPO2004 DVD with highlights of the events. I have some video from the poker rally as well as the track event and the Noble run. Unfortunately I didn't get anything from any of the dinners/boat cruise. If anyone has footage they'd like me to include, please PM me. I'd also like to throw in a slideshow of photo's from the event, but I'd like to get permission from the owners. I know THonda, jadkar, prova4re and others have put up their albums and I'd love to include some of their pics on the DVD. Of course full credit will be given, and this will not be for profit. Just a nice little momento of the events. I can then put up the ISO image for anyone to burn or can mail out DVD's for a nominal cost (to cover my time + blanks) if you don't have a DVD burner.

If you think this is a good idea, let me know and I'll go ahead with it. Unfortunately after editing, I don't think I'll have more than 10 mins or so of video, so if you have some good video, let me know and I'll include it!
That is a great idea, however it would be even better if you could collect all the video footage from everyone who has footage. Then compile it all on one DVD.
Sounds like a great idea, but for only 10min of video why not a VCD?
I think that's a great idea. Let's get everyone else involved and gets some more video too. I'd chip in for your time and shipping to get one.
I'd love to get other people's video's to add as well. I'd like to keep the overall duration at around 30 mins as anything longer will probably get boring. I figured DVD instead of VCD simply because just about everyone has a DVD player and that way we can use the DVD menu's to add bonus materials, photo slideshow etc.

If you have a DV tape you'd like to contribute, drop me a PM and I'll give you my mailing address. Although I will mail back the tapes, I'd prefer a COPY just in case anything gets lost in the mail.

If you have ideas on soundtracks etc, please let me know.

If anyone else is already embarking on such a project, I'd be just as happy to send my DV tapes/photo's for inclusion.
I would love a DVD if at all possible. That would be simply unreal!!!
I would buy one for sure. You could charge a few dollars more than it cost to make the DVD and donate the profits to Prime?
Feel Free to use my photos as well as video. I dont know what happened to my track footage but it wont play on my dv cam and i keep getting a messaage saying clean head even thou I did this......arrrrrgh !!

I would buy one for sure. You could charge a few dollars more than it cost to make the DVD and donate the profits to Prime?

Sounds like a good idea, as long as the cost is reasonable. The only problem I'm going to run into is trying to burn DVDs. I'm sure a lot of people are going to be interested in the DVD, and it takes a while to burn each copy, so I may need to some other people to also volunteer to burn/ship the DVD's out. Anyways, that's down the road.. first step is to get all the material together and hopefully create something decent :D I've PM'd a few people already about their photos, but I'd also like to get permission from prova4re, thonda, and framerjohn to use some of their photo's on the DVD.

DONYMO: That's a great clip, and we can totally use that! Would it be possible to send me the full sized DV or MPEG-2 version of that? Either on DV tape, or on a CD/DVD, whatever works for you?

Juice: I need some of your hangin' out the window with my camcorder shots! :D
"but I'd also like to get permission from prova4re, thonda, and framerjohn to use some of their photo's on the DVD."
Unless you're writing and recording your own sound track, you'll also need permission from the copyright holders of any music you use on this, especially if you put it up for sale. Otherwise, you'll be in violation of copyright law.
Yikes! I hadn't considered the music. Anyone know how the copyright laws apply if it's not for profit? I presume it's the same -- you can't redistribute without express permission. This could put a real damper on things...
I don't think that you have to have anybody's permission to use their music as long as you don't profit on this. I may be wrong, but it's always been my understanding that's how it worked. When I got married, we had a wedding video made with several songs that we picked out. They recorded the music right off of the cd's that we gave them. I doubt they got permission from the artists and there were no credits at the end. You'd think they would pay the artists considering how much money we paid the video company :)
Maybe we don't need music? I've always just loved to listen to the sound of the engine. Alot of times, it's better than any CD I have.
My video footage of Nsxpo will be on the new Teckademic's Mischief dvd that will be out in January. :cool:

If your going to charge for the dvd, you MUST pay for the music track's.
They can even give you a hard time for posting that video on the web, because you used a copyrighted song.
Stick to techno or dance song's, as they are cheap and fit the video quite well.
You can get some cheap music to use on your DVD at a few of these sites,

I looked under dance/aggressive and found a few cool tracks
as well as under electronica,techno/aggressive...
and these guys seem to be VERY cheaply priced.... the one sample that
I looked into was $77, plus there will probably be a few extra fees,
but still, lets say WORST case, the price is doubled, $150 for a
piece of music is cheap....

Anyone who want to use my photo's feal free to do so.
SWBATTE, you're partially right, and you're wrong. A (music)copyright expires 75 years after the death of the creator of the work, unless it has been extended by the creator's heirs, or the publishing company, in which case it can last even longer. And you still need written permission from the holder of the copyright to use the work, even if you claim non-profit status, and even if you don't charge a fee. And that permission, if granted, doesn't mean that you won't have to pay a fee for a license, which is a legal permission to use the work for a specific situation. There are different licenses required for different types of usage. Some publishers will ( I should say "May" ) grant a license without cost for a use by a non-profit, in a limited run of less than 500 copies. Is Arshad a legal non-profit entity? Is NSXPrime or it's administrator? And just because you buy a CD doesn't grant you the license to use any of the works on it in any other format other than to listen to it on your CD player. ARSHAD is correct, you can't redistribute without express written permission. Sorry WHITE92, your wedding video violates copyright law. An artist would be insane not to grant you permission to use their song on a wedding video, but you need to get written permission.
The links that PROVA4RE provided are for sites that offer "license-Free" use of music for a set fee. You may find that acquiring a license from a publisher will cost you less money in the long run, depending on the number of copies you need to make. The only way to know for sure is to contact the publisher.
As our lawyer friend, RSO34 pointed out: "there are copyright issues with using music, so please act accordingly"
steveny said:
I would buy one for sure. You could charge a few dollars more than it cost to make the DVD and donate the profits to Prime?
Wouldn't it make more sense to donate the profits to the not-for-profit organization that held NSXPO 2004?
We use some music from this site on our projects, and have no problems making a dvd and selling it.

From the www.flyinghands.com
"License Agreement
We sell our music with the needle drop fee included. Upon purchase, you receive a non-exclusive single-site license and make no additional payment or license renewal fee. Your use of the music, in any part, is considered acceptance of this agreement.
This license grants you the synchronization rights for recordings in timed relation with audio or visual productions including: video, films, audio-only presentations, telephone answering equipment, multimedia presentations, commercials, trade shows or displays for you or your clients. You may duplicate the music for the purposes of allowing synchronization. You may use the music on the Internet if synchronized with your audio or visual presentation and not available as a separate file or stream.
You may not resell the music alone. You may not sell, rent, lease, share or transfer the CD’s, recordings or written materials to any other person or company. You must treat all materials like any other copyrighted materials. Unauthorized use or duplication is a violation of this agreement and of applicable laws of the United States and other countries.
We grant worldwide performance rights for distributed tapes, or other media, for public and non-public viewing, private or public presentations except as follows: if you are a background music provider and broadcast the music as part of a background music service, ASCAP or BMI grants the performance rights to the station or background originator.
If you are placing production credits for any music in your presentation, use "Music By: Flying Hands Music" to indicate our music. For any music used in national, international, or syndicated broadcast, you agree to file the related cue sheets with BMI. You are not responsible for broadcasting fees, however. (BMI revenues come directly from broadcast station licensing, not from you as producer.) Mail cue sheets to BMI / TV Operations, 10 Music Square East Nashville, TN 37203-4399
What does all this mean?
Once we receive your payment or you use the music, you agree to these terms. Pay once and never pay again.
You can use the music as part of your productions and you can make copies, sell and distribute your productions.
You can not sell the music separate from your productions. You cannot lend or give it to your friends (or enemies for that matter).
You can distribute your productions worldwide. If your company is a background music provider like MuzakTM and you broadcast the music without synchronization, you pay royalties through ASCAP or BMI. If you are not a background music provider this does not apply to you."

Most of these sites mix there own music, and sell them as there property.
Sites like those mentioned by Prova4re are indeed good alternatives, especially for this type of project. The intent of my posting here was to make everyone aware of the situation from the audio side. I was glad to see concern here for the photographers' interests and wanted to remind people to consider the interests of the composers as well. For some reason, most people take music and it's use/availability for granted, I guess because it's so pervasive - everywhere you go there is music playing in the background. But that's how the composers make a living, which is not necessarily the same living that the performers, or the record companies, make. And don't forget, if there's a song you want to use that is not offered by the pay-for-use sites, it's not all that difficult to get a license from a publisher. And the cost is usually pennies per unit sold.