NSXDriver is recruiting...needs your help!

11 February 2004
hey nsxers...hope you all are enjoying the fall months! i am
writing to you today because we at nsxdriver are on a never-ending quest to
modernize the magazine and make it more fun to read. i would like those
interested in being regular, paid contributors to write me with suggestions
for what types of regular sections we should add. some thoughts:

-product reviews
-business reviews (paid by sponsor?)
-scenic drive
-readers' rides
-member profile
-non-NSX/special-interest article
-car show review
-HSC update?

i would like to have one person in charge of each section; each section
chief will be listed in the staff page and/or article itself in each issue.
if the section head writes the article + images him/herself, he/she will be
paid each issue according to the already established payment policy. if an
article from another person is used, that person will be paid and have
his/her name listed on the article (but the section chief will still be
listed in the staff page). this system will help us both modernize/expand
the magazine as well as ensure content each and every issue.

please e-mail me at [email protected] with any suggestions or interest in one of the section chief positions...also, to those few who have
volunteered in the past, e-mail me again if you are still interested...

we are also looking for people to submit individual articles to us...

deadline for all article submission: 12/05/04

also, payment for section chiefs would be the same as that for individual
articles: $50 for ~600+ words, $100 for 900+ words....

finally, we are also looking for someone who is knowledgeable of all
upcoming nsx events nationwide to voluntarily forward us such info
quarterly...for this quarter, we need events from 12/25/04 to 03/25/04.

thanks a lot!
marcus, editor, nsxdriver
hey, im sure this isnt the time or the place but i never recieved my copy of nsx driver. I was so excited to see the NSXPO 2004 coverage!!! :biggrin:
I would like to help out.

I think the product reviews are a great idea, but how would you handle them? Would the reveiwer need to purschase the product, or would it be donated by one of our main NSX part suppliers for review?

I am not sure what business review would be?

Reader rides/features are always fun. It should not be too hard to round up some features on reader rides. This could be tied into the member profile.

I don't think non-NSX related stuff has much purpose being in NSXDRIVER.

I don't think there are enough updates on the HSC to even bother with that. At this point, nobody knows.

Gotta break for lunch. More later..
hey, im sure this isnt the time or the place but i never recieved my copy of nsx driver.
Larry will send you a replacement copy at no charge.

Anyone else who hasn't received his/her copy, send me a Private Message.
I'd be willing to help out, but the main reason I majored in science in college was to avoid writing. :wink: Perhaps I can help out writing member profiles. Let me know if you would like me to take on that responsibility.


marcussoori said:
hey nsxers...hope you all are enjoying the fall months! i am writing to you today because we at nsxdriver are on a never-ending quest to modernize the magazine and make it more fun to read. i would like those interested in being regular, paid contributors to write me with suggestions for what types of regular sections we should add. some thoughts:

-scenic drive
-readers' rides

.....marcus, editor, nsxdriver

I think these would be a very nice addition. My other hobby (motorcycle touring) has me reading other magazines. I really enjoy the stories and pictures of other owners and their trips. Gives me great ideas for my future rides or destinations.

Do you think you would have a semi-steady stream of participants that would wish to donate their writing skills? Other than Prime, where would you be looking for these participants?

If you need help on this one, I'll volunteer.