NSXCC Club Dinner, National Yacht Club, Toronto, Thursday June 30, 2011, 7pm

30 December 2007
Richmond Hill, ON
Further to Est Fest, and the fact only 8-9 of us are attending our Track Day gathering (today, June 24) NSXCC is looking to host a Club Dinner meet at the National Yacht Club on Thursday June 30, 7pm (reserved under NSXCC).

We have made reservation for 20 people and we see our group exceeding this number easily. We like all of you to sign up here as we are looking to negotiate reserve parking for the group. Please indicate your party size on your reply.

Dinner will be a-la-carte with their very reasonable dinner menu. Expect to pay about $20-25/person.

So sign up, take part, and enjoy. No excuses!!

Lets start the head count here.
1) Owen
2) Bash
3) Bram
4) Stu
5) Chris H
6) Henry
7) Gary
8) Frank
9) Daria

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I'll be there too!

One small issue, it turns out its a race night now (they just changed the schedule) so we will get our special reserved parking, but they may charge you $10 to park....sorry....!
Sorry, can't make it - too far to drive now :<(((. Have fun!
Guys, if you plan on attending the Dinner at the NYC, please ensure that your 2011 NSXCC memberships is paid.

You can do so by visiting www.nsxclub.ca


The Yacht Club has a crane, and we are by the water sooooo....if you aren't a member you will get a complimentary car wash....inside and out!:wink: