NSX with LED's in the center taillight :)

15 May 2004
It has been a long time since I thought that the inactive center taillight could be more usefully used. :) It started with an idea, continued with a quiz http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70610 and with some more time and effort of two Primers, it's finished now (Ok, I'm not like that because I always see a way to make things better, I have to stop myself sometimes :)).

Many, many, many (can't be express by words) thanks go to D'Ecosse who had great input on the board and brilliant ideas to make this perfect. I call this a perfect work-together, both sitting late (at least here in Europe :)) behind the computer and getting the optimum out of it. I really enjoyed it! :) Thanks very much again, D'Ecosse! :)

Here we go with the pictures, enjoy! :)

Please compare the 3rd and 4th pic. In 3rd it acts as a normal back light, in 4th as a brake light as soon as you apply the brakes. That a very nice feature of it. :)
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After the first post I thought it would look ugly, but seeing the pictures in the second post, that looks surprisingly cool :)
Wow... very cool looking... I will be the first one to ask, will this be reporduced for sale ?

The only thing I have a question about is whether the NSX LEDs can be shifted a little so it is "centered", is that possible ?

Great work !!!
fifthearth said:
Wow... very cool looking... I will be the first one to ask, will this be reporduced for sale ?

Yes, maybe. :)

fifthearth said:
The only thing I have a question about is whether the NSX LEDs can be shifted a little so it is "centered", is that possible ?

Great work !!!

A good point! If you look at the first picture this is the old version with the letters almost completly on the left side. The other pics contain the final version with the letters between the left and the trunk lock.
Just wondering... Have you installed the USDM tailights on your car? The centre piece you have modified seems darker or tinted compared to the tailights either side. Also, the European spec NSX's have only one light that lights up each side normally when braking or with the lights on...

fifthearth said:
The only thing I have a question about is whether the NSX LEDs can be shifted a little so it is "centered", is that possible ?

I would agree with this question but it may not be possible because of the key hole.

Looks cool...
AU_NSX said:
Just wondering... Have you installed the USDM tailights on your car?

Yes, I have the USDM taillights, the center is too but the background of it is black instead of silver. That's the reason why it looks darker. THIS lens is a perfect substitute for the darker Europe/Japan lens so I think about selling it and get another one and paint it's background silver again. Black has some advantages. :) I have three boards left to complete some other units. :)
Klayton said:
Ah swiss craftsmanship. :D
Thanks very much! :D Like 50 diamonds on a Swiss watch. :tongue: :)
Don't forget D'Ecosse's effort and influence, so it's a US/Swiss craftmanship. :)
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Looks good

Now come up with a cheaper alternative to clear corners for LED taillights :smile:
I'd like a programable system where the LEDs could scroll message to drivers behind you. Like "Please Stop Tailgating" "Turn Off Your Brights" "Call 911 This Car Is Being Carjacked" etc.......
Hugh said:
I'd like a programable system where the LEDs could scroll message to drivers behind you. Like "Please Stop Tailgating" "Turn Off Your Brights" "Call 911 This Car Is Being Carjacked" etc.......

LOL.... Hugh don't you think thats a little cheezy? :biggrin:

GoldNSX, are the letters now definitely centered? I am a bit confused.
TURBO2GO said:
GoldNSX, are the letters now definitely centered? I am a bit confused.

They are centered between the left and the trunk key hole which means that it is not exactly centered overall because the trunk key hole takes some place on the right.
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Now that is clever and way cool; I also like the added functionality of adding another rear light. The better to keep from getting rear ended. Ken is just state of the art when it comes to all things NSX. Good working duo I say. Love it.
Cairo94507 said:
I also like the added functionality of adding another rear light. The better to keep from getting rear ended.

Install a Back Off XP which will flash your LED brake light each time you hit the brakes. it can also be hooked up to flash the LEDs when the car is in reverse.

The human eye is naturally attracted to motion and this thing is in my opinion a must have mod.
That's pretty cool.

Forgive me for being a total nerd, but that reminds me of that Speed Racer episode where the X3 lights up on the car when it's about to make other cars crash. "The Melange"

johnny010 said:
Parts list please.

Well, I could give you the parts list of it but that's of no value because the know-how and skills are very important here. I compare it to the clearcorners, if they would give me the parts list I would reject to install them myself because the very first time is always a disaster. :) And this is why I understand that clearcorners charges $1700.

Thanks very much for the good feedback. :) That makes me think of doing a small series of it. But please don't fix me on this because it still needs one or two small changes which will be done within the next weeks.
Echo Thomas' statement on specifc parts list but we can say that this is not some bread-board hash-up but a professional grade Dual Layer Printed Circuit Board complete with regulated power supply and electronically controlled dual-stage intensity for tail & brake functions.
It has been designed for reliability to ensure long LED lifetime as well as meeting the aesthetic objective.
It looks cool but forgive me it just not my taste. I think I will stay with the factory look.:biggrin: I just love the original.