NSX vs R8 One Humble Mans Point of View

25 December 2006
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Here is IMHO opinion on the comparo between the NSX and the R8.

Having owned 2 NSX’s one being a 2004 Stock NA2, and my current being a 1998 NA2 with a CTSC I decided to purchase an R8 to see what all the hype is about. In short there really is no comparison between the 2 cars other then they are both mid engine cars and aluminum monocoque. I purchased a 2009 R-tronic with the 4.2 V8 in Atlanta and drove the car 650 miles back to Florida. Yes the car is visually beautiful and gets comments every where she went, but no, its not an NSX.

Forget driving impressions, this is not about what is a faster car or handles better or has better technology, IMHO the NSX was revolutionary, a concept, way ahead of its time in fact. Its beauty was its simplicity, its design, its Honda reliability, up until today is one of a kind. Yes the R8 is a beautiful car, but it did not really seem special, it is NOT a Lamborghini, its not a Bentley, it’s just a pretty Audi. It has a 4.2L engine found in many other VAG cars, the interior is finished like most Audis, with the overcomplicated Navi system, the way overhyped B & O stereo system, and a key fob that may have come from a Jetta.

Not that I am trying to knock the car, I paid a lot of money for it. But after the 650 mile drive I got home and the only thing I could say was “its just a car” I would not call it a supercar, or an exotic car, frankly my daily driver BMW 335 seems faster, and feels just as good, the only thing that puts the R8 into its own category is that it sure is a pretty car.

Keep in mind I am comparing a 2009 Audi with a $147K sticker to a car that is 11 years older and cost $90 back then.

So for all those who want to run out and buy an R8 to see if its an NSX, just send me some money since I already did it for you.

R8 = for SALE
NSX = NEVER :biggrin:
So for all those who want to run out and buy an R8 to see if its an NSX, just send me some money since I already did it for you.

R8 = for SALE
NSX = NEVER :biggrin:

Damn! Is it really already for sale?
Wow, sounds like every other Audi I have driven. Looks nice from the outside, but it ends there! I thought the R8 would have broken this mold.
Forget driving impressions, this is not about what is a faster car or handles better or has better technology, IMHO the NSX was revolutionary, a concept, way ahead of its time in fact. Its beauty was its simplicity, its design, its Honda reliability, up until today is one of a kind. Yes the R8 is a beautiful car, but it did not really seem special, it is NOT a Lamborghini, its not a Bentley, it’s just a pretty Audi. It has a 4.2L engine found in many other VAG cars, the interior is finished like most Audis, with the overcomplicated Navi system, the way overhyped B & O stereo system, and a key fob that may have come from a Jetta.

Not that I am trying to knock the car, I paid a lot of money for it. But after the 650 mile drive I got home and the only thing I could say was “its just a car” I would not call it a supercar, or an exotic car, frankly my daily driver BMW 335 seems faster, and feels just as good, the only thing that puts the R8 into its own category is that it sure is a pretty car.

Keep in mind I am comparing a 2009 Audi with a $147K sticker to a car that is 11 years older and cost $90 back then.

So for all those who want to run out and buy an R8 to see if its an NSX, just send me some money since I already did it for you.

R8 = for SALE
NSX = NEVER :biggrin:

There must be enough attributes of the R8 that justified your purchase. Rather than comparing the performance and handling of the R8 and NSX, you praise the "spiritual" aspects of the NSX and "knocked" the R8. As a driving machine, I see the R8 being superior to the NSX. I have had four NSXs and loved every single one. But as the automotive offerings advance and fast forwards to the current supercar lineups, from purely a performance and handling standpoint, I do not see the NSX having any superiority. I recently got rides in my friends' GTR and Gallardo which packed the performances that NSX can only dream about. As a car enthusiast, I appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of different cars. They could be performance, comfort, build quality, handling, reliability, and other intangibles. The marvelous NSX came out in 1991 scoring extremely high on many attributes. I will love it forever, just like I will love the CRX and the 1980's Porsche 911s. The NSX is always going to be special. You would laugh if you drive my 1989 911 as the car is simply slow and clumsy in today's standards.
Lol, this made me laugh. I love my NSX as much as anyone else....but my god you are biased.

It has a 4.2L engine found in many other VAG cars, the interior is finished like most Audis, with the overcomplicated Navi system, the way overhyped B & O stereo system, and a key fob that may have come from a Jetta.

This illustrates my point. The interior in most Audis is brilliantly made, the 4.2 V8 is a terrific engine regardless of what else its in, the MMI navigation is one of the better systems on the market today, and the B&O system is a very good sounding stereo, Audi can't control your expectations or hype of it.

Saying the R8 is just a pretty Audi would be like saying the NSX is just a pretty Honda. Yeah, the R8 is not the Lamborghini it wants to be, just like the NSX isn't the Ferrari it wanted to be. But that doesn't take away from the car.

That being said, I agree the NSX was much more of a revolutionary car when it was released.
I just drove a 2012 R8 V10 Spider and a 2012 GTR at Laguna Seca last week.

The V10 sounds pretty good and has a good amount of power behind it. Handling wise, I turned off traction control but I couldn't figure out how to turn off stability control. Either way the R8 handled very well with perceptively zero body roll. The suspension geometry seemed really good but the car did not rotate as well as the NSX during trailbraking. On throttle the R8 would push with very safe understeer that could not be 'rotated' into neutrality or oversteer even in the lowspeed turn 11 at Laguna Seca. Overall the car handles amazing below the limit, but at the limit, the car is VERY safe, but not as fun. I couldn't rotate the car and when I did it was more of a snap which the stability control quickly saved. Overall, the car has the potential to be very good with some slight setup changes but overall it is a very safe car to drive and that most would love to track. Out of the box, it is not as neutral or balanced to drive it on the fine limit of grip and between over and understeer as the NSX. While good, it's just not as pure. But it could be... This was also the manual transmission which was fun but the throw of the lever was pretty long.

The GTR is a GTR. It's amazing putting power down off of a corner and hard to beat. It actually rotates better under trailbraking than the R8 and you can get the car sideways. The car is very easy to drive fast but it is fun to drive. While fast and fun, the car is a bit twitchy at the limit and is probably quicker to drive with the stability control on. The paddle shifters are too close to the windshield wiper arm which was a bit annoying.

Great post OP. I know the R8 is a very good candidate for a lot of NSX guys looking to "upgrade" to a newer NSX, but your post pointed out a lot of the reasons why nsxers just can't leave (me being one of them).

Posted from my iPhone
Apples&Oranges, I see no valid comparisons between a car that was first offered in 1991 to a car that was first offered in 2007? I think. For crying out loud the NSX was coneieved in the late 80s and offered for sale in 1991. That was way last Century. Give me a break! Same logic says AUDI should have technology and performance of a 2023 model year sports car. Which of course is ridiculous, only honda could pull that off!
Say what you will about the R8, but my personal opinion is that the black side panel ("blade") looks silly and tacked-on. The body-colored blade option is nowhere near as bad, but it's not clear why it should cost extra. (Corporate greed?)

Apples&Oranges, I see no valid comparisons between a car that was first offered in 1991 to a car that was first offered in 2007? I think.
The Audi R8 was based on a concept car that was shown at auto shows in 2003, and was first sold in 2006. So its technology was developed 10-12 years old. So old! :tongue: Its replacement is expected to be sold beginning in 2014.

Oh, and the NSX was first sold in late summer 1990.
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Interesting thread. Thanks for posting!

I love the R8, and hope to drive one someday so I can decide if I truly want one. However the passion in my heart still burns for the NSX, and has since I first saw a photo of one as a kid. The only way I can see myself getting another exotic is in addition to, rather than in place of, an NSX. :smile:
I like the r8 but I find myself think the new mclaren would be a better Nsx replacement.

That said, there is no room for golf clubs in the mclaren.

Honestly though, a 360 Spyder excites me way more than an r8.
I will say it with all the honesty of the gods. Anyone who loves the NSX and is looking to buy a supercar in the ranges of $110k to $130k, Ferrari F430 is the best, period. There will not be a car that will make grab you as hard, none. It's super reliable, only a little over $1k on yearly maintenance and the clutch will last years. If nothing major goes bad the car is as cheap to run as a Porsche. I sold mine only because I needed some money to invest, but other than that it was a life time keeper. Trust me, you'll never regret it. The F430 six speed is the Great White and the R8 just a Cloudy Damsel.

The only two cars I regret ever selling were my NSX and F430(didn't have a choice).

Before buying an R8 try an early Gallardo. The R8 is a cruiser and not a bruiser, sounds silly, but that's the way it is.
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The NSX and the R8 just couldn't really be compared. The most simple reason in that is that with the R8, it's just another modern day supercar with gorgeous looks, supurb handling, excellent ergonomics, for the 4.2 one of the most marvelous engines ever made.

YES, if we are the average day car enthusiast that do not know about or have not explored the nsx, the R8 is probably one of the best options out there in terms of price, practicality, rarity, fun, and looks. But because we are not the average day car enthusiast, and because we know about the NSX, its history, its pedigree, the mind blowing technology for its era (some still relavant), the challenges and the opponents it faced back then and still raising to the top as one of the best. Because Senna help aided the developement of the NSX, even the Great Mclaren looked upon it for inspiration, and the Ford GT's development sourcing transmission shift feels from and NSX-R, and that it is the first Japanese Supercar etc etc. you get my point...

The NSX is special. Might not be good at anything by today's standpoint. But to us, it is a Legend. It will never be replaceable, ever.
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I still want an R8. I'll keep my NSX for life but I still want an R8 regardless of all the reviews.
Thanks all for the great replies, the thread was not an R8 bashing thread or an NSX loving thread. Just as it states in the title ONE HUMBLE MANS POINT OF VIEW.

The GTR was on the short list, but in my opinion ugly, yes its a bruiser, but so are a lot of cars.

Only issue with the R8 is that people call it a "supercar" or an exotic, its just another car that had parts taken from the Audi bin and put into a pretty shell.

Of course as whitensx pointed out the Audi is faster and has better (its also 14 years newer, has a V8 and Quattro) performance, but then again maybe not...

Lets do a track test with both cars.....


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Great post. I too love the R8 but more and more Audi sedans are looking like the R8.

I saw a nice gray Audi with LED lights driving down the stree towards me, and I thought "wait is that an R8 or a sedan?"... a few seconds later yup it was just the sedan.

In other words the R8's styling is no longer unique, as it's being used even in the mundane 4 door sedans.

The NSX on the other hand is completely unique within the Acura / Honda line, and nothing can compare to it styling, ergonomic , or reliability wise.

My question is - how do you lucky dogs "get to borrow / use an R8" for a week or more??? :biggrin:
The NSX on the other hand is completely unique within the Acura / Honda line, and nothing can compare to it styling, ergonomic , or reliability wise.
I wouldn't agree with the "reliability wise" part. My other Acura cars have been as reliable as my NSX.
I can't comment on the R8 driving wise because I've yet to drive one. I think it looks great from some angles. However, the NSX looks great from EVERY angle. Visually, this puts the NSX in a different class. (nobody will call it a "frog")

I've seen many R8s, but for a split second when I see a TT from the front, I almost think that it is an R8. I'm also not a fan of the look of a R8 vert--doesn't look like an exotic at all. I love the color combo of a white R8 with the black stripe.

I am also a fan of the R8's availability in manual. I will withhold further judgment until I get behind the wheel of one.
Thanks all for the great replies, the thread was not an R8 bashing thread or an NSX loving thread. Just as it states in the title ONE HUMBLE MANS POINT OF VIEW.

The GTR was on the short list, but in my opinion ugly, yes its a bruiser, but so are a lot of cars.

Only issue with the R8 is that people call it a "supercar" or an exotic, its just another car that had parts taken from the Audi bin and put into a pretty shell.

Of course as whitensx pointed out the Audi is faster and has better (its also 14 years newer, has a V8 and Quattro) performance, but then again maybe not...

Lets do a track test with both cars.....

How do you find the r8 compares power wise to your ctsc Nsx?
...I purchased a 2009 R-tronic with the 4.2 V8 in Atlanta and drove the car 650 miles back to Florida. Yes the car is visually beautiful and gets comments every where she went, but no, its not an NSX...

The R8 that I drove had that R-Tronic transmission too and it was massively annoying. The shifting was not that sharp, and when you would sit at a traffic light in Drive with your foot on the brake the car would just shift itself into Neutral after a few seconds, and then when the light turned green you would instinctively hit the gas pedal and go nowhere because you were in Neutral. That gone annoying really quickly. If I were to get one it would be a manual shift. Did you notice that problem with your car?