NSX turns, but won't start??? HELP!!!

12 May 2004
Hey folks, I'm new to the NSX world. I bought a blk on blk 91 that is pretty well stock just over a week ago. In fact, just yesterday I got it smog'd. It has been running just great and had all the PPI stuff done. everyone said it was looking fine. It's just due for 90k service and timming belt... :cool:

This morning, I went out to start the car and the first time it turned and turned. I figure I flooded it and when it finally started, it smelled awful. I let it run for a few and shut it down. :(

After that, I have not been able to get it started again :mad: . It turns really well. no worries there. seems to have battery and starter strength without issues. however, I don't get a bite on the turns. it just spins freely without ignition in the cyl. now I used to be a pretty good car guy in the days with a distributer and plug wires. in those days, I's start debugging by checking for spark and see if fuel was getting into the carb.

Well, these days are different. What can I do for this to figure out the issue? is there anything I can do myself? or do I need to get it towed to the shop???

Please advise me as the newbie... :confused:


well..... interestingly enough, I just went outside. My wife said I better tripple check to see that it has gas (or be accused of stupidity!!! :rolleyes: ). It has 1/2 tank. But in checking it, I gave it a quick try to start. :D IT STARTED!!???!!! I got excited and reved it a few times... got out of the car to tell my wife and the car idle'd for a few minutes and then stalled :mad: . Now I'm back to square one. it turns and no ignition at all. The exhast did smell a lot like gas so I assume its pulling in gas and flooding since its not igniting. :confused:

Anyone got more ideas???


Unfortunately there are not any Acura dealers open today (sunday) :rolleyes: . In the morning I plan to swing by and pick up a new Main Relay. However, today I did some testing and it found that jumping the fuel resistor did not help. I then pulled the main relay and disassembled it. I found it to look new (but electronics can be decieving, I believe). While open, I plugged it in and tried to start to no avail. Teh switch did have both relays activating and one switch would turn off after a few seconds...) My guess is that the relay is working, but I'm not going to give up on it since it sounds like the symptoms match :confused: . I've not been able to test the ignition switch since I still have not been able to get it started. I did shake it and tried to restart. But nothing. :mad: ...

Hey, Thank you to everyone that has responded! This all has been of great help in narrowing it down. I really appricaite the time and advice. I'll continue to post until I get a resolution... thanks again!!! :D

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Sounds like the main relay.
Mine ran fine. Came back a couple days later and it cranked with no start.
Try turning the key to the on position and listen for the fuel pump to run for 2 seconds and then go off.
The relay is behind the trim panel in the area behind the passenger left shoulder, some folks have had luck banging on it, didn't help in my case.
Hi Sulley...

Banged on it...didn't work. I do feel an initial loud click from the main relay, and a quiet click a few seconds later...does this mean it's good?? Because it is so dead, I was thinking it would be ignition spark related. Thoughts??

well..... interestingly enough, I just went outside. My wife said I better tripple check to see that it has gas (or be accused of stupidity!!! :rolleyes: ). It has 1/2 tank. But in checking it, I gave it a quick try to start. :D IT STARTED!!???!!! I got excited and reved it a few times... got out of the car to tell my wife and the car idle'd for a few minutes and then stalled :mad: . Now I'm back to square one. it turns and no ignition at all. The exhast did smell a lot like gas so I assume its pulling in gas and flooding since its not igniting. :confused:

Anyone got more ideas???

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It is one of 3 things:

Main relay
Fuel pump resistor
Ignition switch

Order to test:

1. Fuel pump resistor - looks like a heat sing in the passenger side of the engine compartment. You can disconnect it and jump the connector with a paper clip, if it runs get a new one:)

2. Ignition switch - when it stalls, do you have light on the dash? If not switch is lookng suspect.

3. Main Relay - As stated above the main relay can be really intermitent. I would just change it for the $52.

The on line service manual has procedures and pics of each item above.

Let us know if you have any questions

Sounds like the ignition switch. Not uncommon at all for cars with your mileage. *IF* you can start it again, try jiggling the key cylinder around a bit and see if this kills it.
My thought is the Main Relay part No. EZ-1010? Sometimes a break in the connection will cause it to not start, but sometimes it will when the broken connections touch and allow current to flow. Just my 2 cents....G Luck!
- Z
My main relay also looked new inside and if would click, but it was still bad.
Thinking back I had a few hot starts that were a little slow to catch and one instance of the TCS activating at an inappropriate time. These all seem to be indications of a pending main relay failure. Mine was not intermittant, it just failed (130 miles from home).
I followed the recommendations of others and picked up a fuel resistor and ign switch to have available.

Good luck,

Do you hear the fuel pump run for 2 seconds when you move the ign to the run position, before going to start? Mine would not even tho it "clicked".
Hi Sulley,
It sounds like you are on point. I have found a dealer in so cal with a main relay in stock today and will try it tonight. I don't hear the fuel pump, but I was assuming that it was not the issue since the one start I had smelled like I had flooded the car (ie fuel making it to the engine). But for the $88, its probably worth trying to see.

Thank you sooo much for the advice and I'll update this tonight or tomorrow to let you know what happens after I replace the main relay. I'll be pretty happy if this is it. This experience took a little of the edge off the excitement of getting the car only a week ago. but if it starts tonight this will fade and I'll be back to loving the car!!!
You guys ROCK!!!! Main Relay it was. Replaced the thing and it starts like a champ!!! I think the fuels pump was not pumping. For $88 tax included and thanks to the kind folks above. I'm back in the drivers seat!!!

Thanks you, thank you, thanks you!!!! :D
glad to see you are back in the drivers seat... I think just for a preventative maintenance measure i am going to go ahead and replace my main relay and fuel pump resistor.
just went through the same thing with my 92 and it was the relay ,As you will be able to tell I know very little about machanics but I was told that the relay is divided into two functions and the side we checked was ok. To make a long story short I replaced the relay and havn't had a problem yet.