NSX Stock Video 2, Gopro Footage

19 November 2009
Long Island, NY
<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mcIq03Wac34" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

overcast day, caused poor lighting on the windshield camera
thanks simon, Once we got off the highway the footage wasnt all that exciting. was fun in person but not so much on the video. Maybe do a short clip of the back roads.
nice videos, wish i made it......wheres the video from last years highway run? i think that run was good also
hope to see you guys next time
nice videos, wish i made it......wheres the video from last years highway run? i think that run was good also
hope to see you guys next time

i still have it, i did some editing but didnt like the way it came out. I promise you i will do it soon. My friend did the ones i posted this week and he is going to show me how to edit other ones.
you should have made a gopro beltline buffet pass:biggrin: