NSX still relevant today?

17 October 2007
Hi Everyone,

I joined just recently and greatly enjoyed reading the forums and people's accounts of owning an NSX...I'm slowly saving for my first NSX, maybe 5-8 years down the line. Those with experience, can you please share your opinions on how the NSX has held up over time compared to the performance of other familiar sports cars (M3, Corvette, Viper, Ferraris, Porsches, Supra Twin Turbo, [fill in the blank], etc...)? Is she still competitive? I realize its only been a couple years since the last NSX rolled off the assembly line, but just read stats on the new Lexus IS-F:


and it would seem to trump the NSX on paper (in 3 categories, at least):

0-60: 4.2 sec
1/4: 12.7 sec
skidpad: .92 G

I love everything there is about the design and thought that went into the NSX, she remains an engineering marvel (now every carmaker has their version of variable cam timing)... i realize a car is more than just numbers on a stat sheet, but i sometimes wonder when the day comes that I am in the market for an 02+, will I still desire her the same way?... ah, only time will tell and maybe the test drive will remove all doubt... thank you to those who've shared their driving experience on the forums!
how much is it exactly to maintain the NSX?... am I wrong to think of the NSX as a reliable Ferrari?... I know to expect to replace tires once or twice annually, depending on amount of miles driven... but beyond that I thought the NSX is a reliable supercar that can be driven daily... do parts break more often than a typical Honda?... thanks for the heads up!
The IS-F is a IS-Fugly production car.
You wont' be racing the car every day.....

Looks wise the NSX eats the IS-F hands down.
A skidpad measurement doesn't tell you everything about how well a car handles. A 3800 lb front-engine car is not going to feel the same as an NSX.

The Lexus gets worse gas mileage.

The NSX looks good.

The Lexus body can rust.
Hi Everyone,

I joined just recently and greatly enjoyed reading the forums and people's accounts of owning an NSX...I'm slowly saving for my first NSX, maybe 5-8 years down the line. Those with experience, can you please share your opinions on how the NSX has held up over time compared to the performance of other familiar sports cars (M3, Corvette, Viper, Ferraris, Porsches, Supra Twin Turbo, [fill in the blank], etc...)? Is she still competitive? I realize its only been a couple years since the last NSX rolled off the assembly line, but just read stats on the new Lexus IS-F:


and it would seem to trump the NSX on paper (in 3 categories, at least):

0-60: 4.2 sec
1/4: 12.7 sec
skidpad: .92 G

I love everything there is about the design and thought that went into the NSX, she remains an engineering marvel (now every carmaker has their version of variable cam timing)... i realize a car is more than just numbers on a stat sheet, but i sometimes wonder when the day comes that I am in the market for an 02+, will I still desire her the same way?... ah, only time will tell and maybe the test drive will remove all doubt... thank you to those who've shared their driving experience on the forums!

I would ask if a Ferrari GTO, 1963 Corvette Split Window Coupe, 1970 Plymouth Superbird, etc, are still relevant. Performance wise, no. New car technology has surpassed what these cars can do but would I still love to have one of them, absolutely! Their design and style are timeless. If its just about numbers, I'd go by a used Mitsubishi Evo 9 MR and drop a few mods on it. And for under $40k, you can have tremendous performance. I wanted an NSX when I first saw one in the summer of 1990. I finally got mine in 2004. A 14 year wait and plenty of newer, faster cars were out by then but I wanted an NSX.

BTW, I'm looking at getting an IS-F as a daily driver. Will that change the way I feel about my NSX, not a chance!:smile:
I can tell you from my experience. I came that close to buying an M3. Even though I had never driven one I had read many thing about it. I own also a 01 325 convertible and loved the car dearly. But buying the NSX, I don't have any regrets. For me it fulfills my dream off owning the car. The M3 wouldn't have done that. Performance wise, I think it is behind all those you mentioned except for the old M3. I think the NSX would be for you if you are looking for a reliable exotic super car that's unique, and rare. The NSX is for you if it's the car you've dreamed about for years. Any other car wasn't going to satisfy that dream except the NSX.
Good point... i've always admired what the NSX represented ever since my high school days and if it takes another 10 years for me to save up for one, it will be worth the wait... there's a european expo, basically a small gathering of exotic enthusiasts in Sacramento this weekend:


... supposed to have one or more NSXs... hoping to have the privilege of actually sitting in one, even if stationary, for a momento pic... closest i've ever been to an NSX was beyond arm's reach behind a velvet rope at a car show... even the Niello dealer didn't want me touching it a few years back, out of concern I was some regular joe with no knowledge of the NSXs construction and feared I'd dent it by pressing too hard on the hood or trunk lid... was annoyed by that salesman, but could understand his apprehension...
Ditto. What everyone said. To quote what one salesman at a Toyota dealership said, with a big smile, "Man, this must be a lot of fun. All the Porsche, Corvette and other guys that I've talked to who have had this car, say that this car was their favorite, and those that have sold it, they regret selling it" Another compliment I got was, “Person A: What is that? Person B: I don’t know, looks like a mix between a Ferrari and a Corvette” Given the great characteristics of both vehicles, I thought that was a very flattering complement.

As for performance, the numerical stats are very deceiving. With a few modifications, the car can be a very competent performer in all aspects. You can get the car down to 3000 lbs easily, 2900 & 2800 lbs is not far away. Good FI options are available, and with 450 HP in a 3000 LB car, you have a very strong Mid-Engine machine in all scenarios. Suspension and pretty much every area has options for upgrading. And lastly, unless it's a mid/rear-engine car, imho, it’s not apples to apple comparison. Not that there aren't as capable, and better "handling" car, but it's just not the same...

I've had many cars and like a lot of cars, but short of the F430 CS - and an additional 100K for maintenance, and an additional 100K+ for depreciation (in 6 years) and an additional… never mind... there's nothing I would trade for it.

I bought by 98/02R conversion for about 50K with 85K miles and SC. Have put it another 7K easily, probably will spend at least 5K - 10K over the next couple of years. Unless I total it and get a crappy check from the insurance, I don't think I’ll regret one bit. Honestly, the current NSX platform gives you tremendous amount of opportunity for a broad definition of “value.”
The NSX is a timeless, classic car that has to be appreciated by a very few.
I’d say look at one, sit in one, drive one, both N/A and SCd/Tubor. If you have any doubts, may not be for your; if it "clicks," then figure out what your budget is, and get the most car for the buck imho.
I like the fact that my car is reliable, phat and RARE! I feel for people who spend gobs of money on a car and then run into an exact copy of their car on a daily basis! I have always hated following the crowd...when you own an NSX...you are a solitary figure in a world clittered with clones and copies...the NSX is breath of fresh area...and it is a stunning piece of machinery...though I do like the look of the Porche cayman...hmmmmm...I wonder why?....lol

I like the fact that my car is reliable, phat and RARE! I feel for people who spend gobs of money on a car and then run into an exact copy of their car on a daily basis! I have always hated following the crowd...when you own an NSX...you are a solitary figure in a world cluttered with clones and copies...the NSX is breath of fresh area...and it is a stunning piece of machinery...though I do like the look of the Porche cayman...hmmmmm...I wonder why?....lol

Ferrari and a Corvette” Given the great characteristics of both vehicles, I thought that was a very flattering complement.

As for performance, the numerical stats are very deceiving. With a few modifications, the car can be a very competent performer in all aspects. You can get the car down to 3000 lbs easily, 2900 & 2800 lbs is not far away. Good FI options are available, and with 450 HP in a 3000 LB car, you have a very strong Mid-Engine machine in all scenarios. Suspension and pretty much every area has options for upgrading. And lastly, unless it's a mid/rear-engine car, imho, it’s not apples to apple comparison. Not that there aren't as capable, and better "handling" car, but it's just not the same...

I have to agree, I have not owned my NSX a month and I have had so many people ask me what it is. As far as performance well they are amazing. Mine is not all modded out and it hauls ass. I have watched literally every video on the web of reviews, races and anything else regarding the NSX, and while a lot of the newer cars may kill it on the drag strip ( which 99% of all numbers are from) the NSX shines on the track. I actually just a bit ago watched a video ( for the 100th time) that showed a NSX-R smoke a ferrari, lambo, porsche, Beemer on a road course. The NSX seemed like it just waltzed through the turns as the other cars slowed down. Then the ferrari and the likes closed the gaps on the straights. But at the end of 4 laps on that track the NSX still came out ahead. Maybe a few laps later the faster cars on the straights would pass the NSX but the NSX still wins races today.

But honestly, the NSX doesnt have to go fast because the NSX will slow the traffic down to it's pace due to all the other drivers slowing down and snapping pics with their cellphones, waving and breaking their necks to figure out what this pretty car is.

Just my opinion, but the facts are out there that the NSX still can turn heads and go pretty damn fast even compared to the new vette and other street legal rides.

When you are just looking for the raw numbers there are plenty cars that you can buy for less money with equal or better straight-line performance numbers.
Where I live, you can get the new Seat Leon Cupra with some relatively cheap modifications to get that 2-liter turbocharged engine up to 345 crank HP. Getting the NSX-engine there requires a lot more money.

But, you have to remember, there will always be something faster out there. I am satisfied by the fact that on a usual day I will see perhaps 4-5 cars that could equal my car in performance. If I am in the top 5%, that's good enough for me. It is NOT a contest and there are no prices to win if you happen to be the fastest guy in the street. And even if you are, whatever car you have, it will not last. Next month, next year, somebody will have something better.

As for looks, just today, I was commuting to work, driving amongst every other car when a Italian Lancia came up besides me and short of stuck there.
When I look aside, I saw the driver giving me a huge thumbs-up with a big grin from ear to ear, pointing at my car. Naturally, I burst out laughing, thanked him and gave him a thumbs up for his car (you don't see that many Lancia's anymore).
So, if that's what my 17-year old design can do, can stir up that kind of emotion, who cares if the new Lexus XX-something or BMW 399x is faster in the 0-60 run :smile:
When I look aside, I saw the driver giving me a huge thumbs-up with a big grin from ear to ear, pointing at my car. Naturally, I burst out laughing, thanked him and gave him a thumbs up for his car (you don't see that many Lancia's anymore).
So, if that's what my 17-year old design can do, can stir up that kind of emotion, who cares if the new Lexus XX-something or BMW 399x is faster in the 0-60 run :smile:

In some countries people are too shy, not emotional to give you that thumb-up-feeling. When I was in 'auto-freaky' Germany one time EVERY guy was staring at the car (No wonder, I don't have emblems on it)

BTT: The NSX is about becoming a classic car IMO. And the more of the 'better' cars like LF-A, Lambo or whatever (even smaller cars gets their 200-250 hp today) will show up the more classic it gets. If you save for it that long the early NSX are 21-24 years old. Regarding the speed of developement in automotive industry it's a very old car then. :) But as you've mentioned: A good reason to buy one because it's an engineering marvel.
I'll tell you what keep saving for your NSX and it will be worth it! I've wanted one since I was 14 years old and just this year bought my first. I love the car and its way more than I ever expected of it.

I do well for myself and can easily purchase myself a F360, 911 or whatever but there's something elusive and special about the NSX. Its really rare and everywhere I go people are stopping me and asking what it is. Yes, when they find out its a HONDA they cringe but I'll take a free NSX over anyother road car anyday.

The only "future" car that evokes the same emotion for me is the McLaren P11. It has similar lines to the NSX...

When you are just looking for the raw numbers there are plenty cars that you can buy for less money with equal or better straight-line performance numbers.
Where I live, you can get the new Seat Leon Cupra with some relatively cheap modifications to get that 2-liter turbocharged engine up to 345 crank HP. Getting the NSX-engine there requires a lot more money.

But, you have to remember, there will always be something faster out there. I am satisfied by the fact that on a usual day I will see perhaps 4-5 cars that could equal my car in performance. If I am in the top 5%, that's good enough for me. It is NOT a contest and there are no prices to win if you happen to be the fastest guy in the street. And even if you are, whatever car you have, it will not last. Next month, next year, somebody will have something better.

As for looks, just today, I was commuting to work, driving amongst every other car when a Italian Lancia came up besides me and short of stuck there.
When I look aside, I saw the driver giving me a huge thumbs-up with a big grin from ear to ear, pointing at my car. Naturally, I burst out laughing, thanked him and gave him a thumbs up for his car (you don't see that many Lancia's anymore).
So, if that's what my 17-year old design can do, can stir up that kind of emotion, who cares if the new Lexus XX-something or BMW 399x is faster in the 0-60 run :smile:

Well said, MvM... thank you for putting things in perspective and reminding me it's not a contest...
I think the NSX will be relevent for many years to come. I get grief from some - usually Vette people - that the NSX is an underperforming overpriced car. In some ways they are correct. But these people are preoccupied with 0-60 and skidpad numbers.

The NSX was a benchmark car when it was introduced - and forced sports car makers to improve their cars in ways they never cared about before.

I think it is difficult to justify a $90K NSX in 2005. But the vast majority of car enthusiasts respect the NSX and their owners. And will for years to come.
that the NSX is an underperforming overpriced car. In some ways they are correct. But these people are preoccupied with 0-60 and skidpad numbers.

Thats my point exactly hoff. Everyone cares about the 0-60, which do not get me wrong is awesome to have for them occasions you just want to step on it, for me the NSX is fast ( short 4.23 gear set ) and even though mine is a 91 it can still smoke most. But the point is that the NSX excels on the road courses, zipping through the turns. And yes there are better track cars like the lotus. But even though the lotus is awesome in the turns it doesn't have the top end speed of the NSX.

I am sure the videos you see on the web where the NSX is whooping up on lambos, ferraris and porsches on a road course would be totally different if the same cars were racing on a super speedway where it is all straights.

What I have noticed is the NSX gets so much hate from vette owners. Ferrari and Lambo owners admire the car and it's capabilities. Porsche owners really like NSX's. It seems to me that the Vette is or was threatened by the NSX coming in and invading it's turf. Now the Z06 is a nice ride, no doubts about it, but it is not an NSX and neither is any of the C's.

Sorry for the off the beat and path rant, but 0-60 means nothing to me, I can go to the local drag strip and see Civics run 12's, Supra's running 11's.. but that is all these cars are setup for,, Launch, Punch and Stop. Where as the NSX is still competitive on the Launch and will kick the majority of other cars asses in the turns.

Well, Carry On/
It was a benchmark in sports car development.
It has been retired by Honda and a time goes by will become even more rare and treasured as a classic.

From Webster on Line
Relevant: having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand.

In regards to your question : What is the matter at hand?
Here is how I explain the NSX to people.

It does not do any ONE thing better than all the cars out there. What it does is ALL the things VERY well.

Basically its a great car in SOOOO many regards, its just not the fastest, most exotic, best handling, etc.

And hey, thats ok with me.
Still relevant? YES!

Why? After years of ownership, I still stare at this car every time I walk towards it in a parking lot. Sometimes I take a moment to check for any other cars is the area that would take my attention. NEVER HAPPENS!

For the price, there is no other car that would do this for me, I am certain. How's that for relavent?